Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Twenty four egg laying hens liberated from their dark, dingy hell hole. No more exploitation of their reproductive systems & NO SLAUGHTER. GET INSPIRED LIBERATE! WE ARE THEIR ONLY HOPE THE AGE OF WAVING PLACARDS IS OVER.
Category: Communiqués
May 25
24 Hens Liberated (UK)
May 17
Deer Liberated from Farm in Switzerland
Received anonymously: On 6th of May 2019 I took action in Wettingen in the Swiss Canton of Aargau. I destroyed the fence that locked up 150 breeding deer at the farm, Mooshof, of Walter and Pius Benz. According to the Aargauer Zeitung, many animals were able to flee, but many have returned to the enclosure. The …
May 16
ALF Destroys 23 Hunting Towers in Germany
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: We stumbled upon a map with over 20 shooting towers marked on it. As it was close by, we decided to have a little walk around in the woods and destroy as many as we could find. We weren’t too surprised to realize that hunters were waiting for us, on a …
May 15
“We Have Stopped Imagining, and Started Acting”
Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video from the action): Can you imagine, spending your whole life, being detained, in your own shit? Can you imagine, that all you know about life, is a concentration camp, violence and suffering? Can you imagine, seeing your fellow inmates falling, agonizing and dying? Can you imagine, never …
May 14
McDonald’s Restaurants Paint-Bombed (Germany)
According to anonymous reports on Barrikade, two McDonald’s restaurants in Freiburg were hit with paint bombs on the night of May 13. A week earlier, the message “World-changing people do not eat at McDonald’s. Hambi remains anti-capitalist” was graffitied on a McDonald’s in the city. The actions were in response to a new television commercial in which McDonald’s …
May 12
Two Lambs Liberated (UK)
Apr 23
ALF Liberates Goats and Sheep (Italy)
Received anonymously: The Animal Liberation Front rescued goats and sheep from a farm in Italy, according to an anonymous report on Click here for video of the rescue. The activists report, “Now they are in a safe place where they will be taken care of and will be able to live as they deserve, free, happy and …
Apr 21
ALF Liberates 9000 Pheasants from Game Farm in Suffolk (UK)
Received anonymousl from Stop the cull (click here for video from the action): Heath Hatcheries in Suffolk was visited by us over the Easter Bank Holiday. A clear path was made so that the birds headed towards the forest and away from the road, grain was put down to attract them in that direction. Once inside the …