Category: Communiqués

Lamb Rescued on Christmas Day (Veneto, Italy)

Received anonymously from (translation): A lamb was rescued on Christmas day in Veneto (Italy) and taken to a home where he will be free. The lamb will not be part of the food chain, will not be a slave again. Happy Holidays.

82 Ducks Liberated (Spain)

Reported by activists in Spain (click here for video from the rescue): On entrance to the farm, as always we checked the farms bins first. as we opened the lid this duck lifted his head and opened his eyes, he was full of blood and laying amongst loads of dead bodies that were already decomposed. i went …

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Canada Goose Shop Vandalized (Banff, Alberta)

According to media reports, the new Canada Goose store in Banff (Alberta) was vandalized late on December 10.

ALF Destroys 7 Hunting Stands in Basque Country

Received anonymously from During the night of the winter solstice, and despite the heavy rain and wind, a group of activists from the Animal Liberation Front entered the area of ‘Aiako Harria’ (Peñas de Aya) in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria) where there are numerous hunting stands. We destroyed 7 of them. The adverse weather did not …

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Nutria Freed from Trap (Italy)

According to a report on, a nutria was freed from a trap, and the trap destroyed, in Italy. Click here to view video from the action.

Website of Fishing Net Manufacturer Hacked (France)

Received anonymously: \\\ Animal Liberation// Target: pêche en mers - ‘Une gamme complète de produits pour la pêche. 1er fabricant de filet en France depuis 1929, Le Drezen est spécialisé dans la conception et la fabrication de chaluts, sennes à thon, nappes de filets et engins de pêche. Monteur de chalut de…’ - ‘LE DREZEN …

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ALF Sweden Destroys 3 Hunting Towers

Received anonymously: Sweden – 12 december We won’t let hunters hunt! 3 towers destroyed so much they will never be usable again. ALF sweden

Horse Riding Websites Hacked (France)

Received anonymously: \\\ Animal Liberation// Target: Equitation Defaced ==> FEDERATION REGIONALE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DE SPORT DE BRETAGNE link: link: link: Defaced ==> CENTRE EQUESTRE

Open Rescue of 67 Hens (Czech Republic)

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Rescue Action LIV (November 2019) & Support Project FANG This report contains 3 rescue actions in which we liberated 67 animals. 26 animals on the first action, 23 on the second and on third week took 18 of them. We did not ask the businessmen, politicians …

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Hunting Tower Damaged (Vienna, Austria)

Received anonymously: One hunting tower damaged, Vienna, Austria The action took place exactly one week ago.

100 Rabbits Liberated (Belgium)

Received anonymously from Vegan Corporation (translation): On the night of December 7, about twenty activists — anonymous antispeciesists — released one hundred rabbits from the largest breeding farm in the Benelux. Those freed were taken to safe homes far from the speciesist system. French: Dans la nuit du 7 décembre, une vingtaine d’activistes – antispécistes anonymes – …

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Milk Company Sabotaged (Bern, Switzerland)

According to an anonymous report on Barrikade , in late November the headquarters of Swissmilk in Bern was attacked. Butyric acid was poured in a stairwell. Claim of responsibility (German): We attacked the headquarters of Swissmilk at Brunnmattstrasse 21, 3007 Bern. We distributed a stinking liquid there to spoil the business at the headquarters of the Swiss milk …

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Hunting Cabins Vandalized, Birds Liberated by ALF (Italy)

During the night of December 6-7, twelve hunting cabins were vandalized near the towns of Cologne and Coccaglio (Brescia). Doors were forced open and everything inside was damaged. Cages were smashed and nets cut, allowing many birds to escape. ALF initials and anti-hunting slogans were painted on the cabins.

Duck Rescued (Padua, Italy)

Received anonymously from (translation): In a house near the Euganeo stadium in Padua (Italy)… A new life has been rescued, from a horrible place where his life depended only on his release. Now he is free and away from his horrible nightmare.

Hens Rescued from Egg Farm by ALF (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): This week in the south east some of us went out into the night to get some footage and help some comrades out. We had to wait hidden in the dark for quite some time as the farmer was still out on the farm at almost 1am. …

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