Category: Communiqués

Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature-Mexico Sabotage Over 20 Telmex Phones

  Communiqué from Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature-Mexico Date: February 28, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously More than 20 Telmex phones were sabotaged with super glue during the night of February 25 in Mexico City (D.F.) and a glass advertisement and a luxury car that we found in our path were stained …

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Postal Annoyance Brigade Sends Magazines to Utah Vivisectors

  Communiqué from the Postal Annoyance Brigade Date: February 27, 2009 Institution Targeted: Utah Vivisectors Received anonymously Greetings from The Postal Annoyance Brigade! About a year ago the P.A.B. thoughtfully subscribed 3 of our good vivisecting murderous friends to some choice magazines. Robert H. Lane of xxxxx xxxxx Dr. in Salt Lake City, Utah; Alessandra …

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Unnamed Activists Riot During Bullfighting Protest

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 7, 2009 Institution Targeted: Bullfighting Received anonymously During the demonstration on February 5 (the date on which the bullfighters celebrate the anniversary of the largest bullring in Mexico) various direct action groups demonstrated that the radical movement for total liberation is growing day by day. The riots began when …

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Justice Department Mails Razor Blades to Vivisectors

Communiqué from the Justice Department Date: February 14, 2009 Institution Targeted: Wake Forest University Received anonymously Wake Forest University in Winston Salem, NC currently imprisons and inflicts violence upon over 1,300 non-human primates. Recently, they made the choice to accept the transfer of over 300 non-human primates from the University of California-Los Angeles. After years …

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FLA Paint and Glue Mendele Leather Corporation

Communiqué from Animal Liberation Front Date: February 14, 2009 Institution Targeted: Mendele Leather Corporation Received anonymously On Thursday night, the 12th of this month, we once again visited the murderous ‘Mendele’ leather corporation in Mexico City (D.F.). This time we painted slogans such as: skin = death, and a message for one of the owners: …

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Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature Destroy Telmex Phones

Communiqué from Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature Date: February 11, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously Prepared with glue and cutting instruments, we went out on the night of February 9 to sabotage, once again, Telmex phones. We will continue with these actions until the abolition of domination over the earth! Luddites Against …

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A.L.F México Burn Chicken Slaughterhouse

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 9, 2009 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Chicken Slaughterhouse Received anonymously A chicken slaughterhouse in Mexico City (D.F.) was damaged by fire; we spilled gasoline inside it one night in February. The torturers were not expecting to arrive at their places of ‘work’ and find such a considerable amount …

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Frente de Liberación de la Tierra Set Fire to 5 Telmex Phones

Communiqué from Hidden Mexico Date: February 8, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously The Frente de Liberación de la Tierra has set fire to 5 Telmex phones. Let the sabotage continue! Hidden Mexico Spanish: El Frente de Liberación de la Tierra le ha prendido fuego a 5 teléfonos de Telmex. ¡Que el sabotaje continúe! México …

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Unnamed Activists Target Bullfighting

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 6, 2009 Institution Targeted: Bullfighting Received anonymously Autonomous individuals for the abolition of tauricide claimed acts of sabotage and vandalism during the February 1st march at the ‘monumental’ Plaza de Toros México: – The painting of a police van with the words Torturers!, at a checkpoint on the outskirts …

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ALF Sabotage UCLA Van

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 5, 2009 Institution Targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisection Received anonymously Those UCLA vans aren’t as easy to find as they were. While down south doing some homework on the night of Monday Feb 2nd we happen to notice one parked on side street in the town of San …

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FLA – Paint Shops

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 5, 2009 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Shops Received anonymously graffiti was painted at several shops; ‘no animal exploitation’ and other slogans painted on a taqueria of murdering speciesists. for total liberation ‘animal liberation now’ A.L.F – C.V.N. MEXICO Spanish: se hicieron varias pintas a tiendas de varios hermanitos …

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UC Berkeley Vivisector’s Car Vandalized

Communiqué from Berkeley Students for Animal Liberation Date: February 1, 2009 Institution Targeted: UC Berkeley Vivisection Received anonymously On January 20, UC Berkeley’s Gregory Timmel was followed to work. As he left his car parked in a garage on campus, he was whistling and had no idea he had been followed. We preceded to vandalize …

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FLA Attack Poultry Business

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 27, 2009 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Poultry Business Received anonymously On the night of January 25, a major poultry business was attacked by the Frente de Liberación Animal de Puebla, México. Its logo, white walls, shutters and its canvas advertising signs were covered with automobile oil; also written …

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FLA Painted and Vandalized KFC

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 24, 2009 Institution Targeted: KFC Received anonymously In the early morning hours of January 23, a KFC in the State of Mexico was attacked; paint-filled bulbs were thrown on the walls and windows, graffiti covered the building as well, such as ‘Multinational killers’, ‘torturers’ and anarchist symbols, …

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FLA Burn Meat Company to the Ground

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 24, 2009 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Meat Company Received anonymously On the night of January 14 the FLA of Mexico set fire to the shutters and an advertisement at a meat company in Mexico State. The fire spread and a cloud of smoke covered the small business, as …

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