Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 11, 2009 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s Restaurant Received anonymously: In the early morning hours of May 7, a cell from the Frente de Liberación Animal was planning to hit two targets in the commercial area of the City of Coacalco in Mexico State, but to our surprise there …
Category: Communiqués
May 09
Frente de Liberación de la Tierra Sabotage 30 Telmex Phones
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación de la Tierra Date: May 9, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: We know that the disgusting Carlos Slim is collaborating with the state to spy on telephone conversations of different activists, that he is an accomplice of the government intercepting emails from different people who the authorities consider …
May 07
FLA Sabotage of 15 Telmex Phones
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 7, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: Telmex is one of the most powerful corporations on earth. This company is responsible for the earth being domesticated and dominated, and it contributes to the domination of animals by sponsoring bullfights. Carlos Slim, owner of Telmex, is a capitalist …
May 05
Luddites Burn Dozens of Telmex Phones
Communiqué from the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature Date: May 5, 2009 Institution Targeted: Telmex Received anonymously: We, the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature, are responsible for the sabotage of dozens of telephone lines by means of small incendiary devices placed in 3 telephone control boxes belonging to the Telmex company, …
May 03
Incendiary visit by FLA Guadalajara to the House of a Bullfighting Supplier
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 3, 2009 Institution Targeted: Bullfight Supplier Received anonymously: Incendiary visit by FLA Guadalajara to the house of a bullfighting supplier In today’s society there are speciesist, dominator and capitalist cultures who profit from the pain and suffering of animals; one of these traditions is the bullfight, within …
May 01
Sabotage and Incendiaries used against Various Capitalism Targets in Mexico City
Communiqué from the INFORMAL AND INFLAMMATORY COORDINATOR FOR SUBVERSIVE AND DECENTRALIZED ACTION Date: May 1, 2009 Institution Targeted: Various Targets Received anonymously: SABOTAGE, INCENDIARIES, PAINT AND BROKEN WINDOWS AGAINST THE DESTROYER CAPITALISM IN MEXICO CITY Last night, April 30, as a response to the call for a day of action against capitalism and in solidarity …
Apr 29
Animal Liberation Front Target UCLA Primate Vivisection
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 29, 2009 Institution Targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisection Received anonymously: The Animal Liberation Front delivered fake bombs on Thursday, April 23rd 2009, at 1901 Avenue of the Stars, in Century City, California; one in the men’s lavatory on the 15th floor and two others in well hidden places …
Apr 29
Communiqué from Art as Crime, Crime as Art: Target Telmex
Communiqué from Art as Crime, Crime as Art Date: April 29, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: Greetings from Mexico: The group of immediate anti-speciesist direct action, ‘Art as Crime, Crime as Art,’ claim the following sabotage of Telmex phones: + The cable of a phone booth was sabotaged; black plastic was placed there and …
Apr 28
LCDNS and the FLA Burn a Telmex Repair Van
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front, Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature Date: April 28, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: During the early morning hours of April 23, in a municipality in the State of Mexico, the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature and the Frente de Liberación Animal joined together in …
Apr 26
FLA in Guadalajara Mexico Plant Fake Bombs at Burger King
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 26, 2009 Institution Targeted: Burger King Received anonymously: Fake bomb placed at a fast-food restaurant by the FLA in Guadalajara Mexico The multinationals are some of the most powerful corporations on earth, where the animals, the land and the people suffer because of their power and economic …
Apr 23
Communiqué from Art as Crime, Crime as Art, sabotaged Telmex Phones
Communiqué from Art as Crime, Crime as Art Date: April 23, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: Greetings from Mexico: We are the group ‘Art as Crime, Crime as Art’ from several municipalities in Mexico State. We know very well the atrocities that Telmex commits as an earth-destroying company and as a sponsor of bullfighting. …
Apr 23
Unnamed Activists Liberate Pheasants and Quail in Oregon
Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: April 23, 2009 Institution Targeted: CSL Game Farm, Oregon Received anonymously: In the early hours of April, 18 2009, after making our way through muddy fields we descended upon CSL Game Farm (7401 NW Kerkman Rd, Cornelius, Oregon) a breeder of ‘game birds’ for the meat industry. Outdoor pens housing …
Apr 23
FLA Mexico Glue Locks of Multiple Businesses
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 23, 2009 Institution Targeted: Multiple Businesses, Guadalajara Received anonymously: Dominating, speciesist consumerism has great strength in Mexico and Guadalajara. The ignorant people consume products without knowing their origin and the pain that they contained, sometimes the people do not care because they get so much pleasure in …
Apr 20
FLA Burn Cattle Truck
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 20, 2009 Institution Targeted: Cattle Transporter Received anonymously: Arson attack on a truck used for animal exploitation in Guadalajara, Mexico. The meat industry in this region of our country is one of the most powerful; the state protects this industry and its exploiters, the culture of our …
Apr 19
ALF México Attacks Egg Business with Arson
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 19, 2009 Institution Targeted: Egg Vendor Received anonymously: On the night of April 15, we attacked a business of animal exploitation that sells eggs. We placed a small incendiary device which within a few minutes started to do its job. The upper part of this damned business …