Category: Communiqués

Hunt Sabotaged by ARM

Communiqué from the Animal Rights Militia Date: June 12, 2010 Institution Targeted: Hunters Received anonymously: Minnesota Spring 2010 A hunter’s stand has been destroyed. Because of this simple, low risk action, thinking, feeling beings will survive next hunting season. There is no excuse for inaction. Get out and fight! Enemies of the animals: Stop or …

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FLA Targets McDonald’s, KFC Restaurants

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: June 9, 2010 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s, KFC Restaurants Received anonymously: Acknowledging that the war is on, that total revolution will not wait and neither will we, on the night of June 5 the Frente de Liberación Animal once again attacked the urban routine and mental passivity. This …

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McDonald’s, KFC Restaurants Targeted with Fake Bombs by FLA

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: June 9, 2010 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s, KFC Restaurants Received anonymously: Acknowledging that the war is on, that total revolution will not wait and neither will we, on the night of June 5 the Frente de Liberación Animal once again attacked the urban routine and mental passivity. This …

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FLA Targets Mexican Medical School

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: May 31, 2010 Institution Targeted: Mexican Medical School Received anonymously: On Tuesday, May 26 at about one o’clock in the morning, the frente de liberacion animal attacked one of so many targets; rejecting passivity we decided to go to battle against vile anthropocentrism, throwing paint bombs at …

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Mexican Medical School Painted by FLA

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: May 31, 2010 Institution Targeted: Mexican Medical School Received anonymously: On Tuesday, May 26 at about one o’clock in the morning, the frente de liberacion animal attacked one of so many targets; rejecting passivity we decided to go to battle against vile anthropocentrism, throwing paint bombs at …

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Chicken Slaughterhouse Truck Torched

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: May 28, 2010 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Chicken Slauterhouse Received anonymously: The Frente de Liberación Animal claim the following actions: May 12: Several subway cars were stoned during their journey to nearby stations; the action was dedicated to the ‘saboteur of the metro’ Adrian Magdaleno González. May 20: …

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FLA Target HLS Customer Novartis

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 23, 2010 Institution Targeted: HLS Customer Novartis Received anonymously: (photo: arrival of bomb disposal experts / The Frente de Liberación Animal of Guadalajara, Mexico, succeeded in placing an explosive device made of dynamite and butane gas next to the building in which Novartis is located. This …

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HLS Customer Novartis Targeted with Bomb in Mexico

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 23, 2010 Institution Targeted: HLS Customer Novartis Received anonymously: (photo: arrival of bomb disposal experts / The Frente de Liberación Animal of Guadalajara, Mexico, succeeded in placing an explosive device made of dynamite and butane gas next to the building in which Novartis is located. This …

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FLA Hits Multiple Targets and Torches Slaughterhouse Truck

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: May 28, 2010 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Chicken Slauterhouse Received anonymously: The Frente de Liberación Animal claim the following actions: May 12: Several subway cars were stoned during their journey to nearby stations; the action was dedicated to the ‘saboteur of the metro’ Adrian Magdaleno González. May 20: …

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Terrorist Column of the Black Revolutionaries Target McDonald’s Restaurants

Communiqué from the Terrorist Column of the Black Revolutionaries Date: May 18, 2010 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s Restaurants Received anonymously: May 13th of this year After all the shit we had to do today we decided to take to the streets and destroy everything that destroys us and destroys our natural environment. We went out with …

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McDonald’s Targeted with Explosive Device in Mexico

Communiqué from the Terrorist Column of the Black Revolutionaries Date: May 18, 2010 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s Restaurants Received anonymously: May 13th of this year After all the shit we had to do today we decided to take to the streets and destroy everything that destroys us and destroys our natural environment. We went out with …

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FLA Target Kentucky Fried Chicken

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberacion Total Date: May 17, 2010 Institution Targeted: Kentucky Fried Chicken Received anonymously: This past Wednesday around 10pm the frente de liberacion total, in leon gto, placed two fake bombs in the entrance of a KFC located on the boulevards hilario medina and vicente valtierra, causing an intense police and …

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Two Fake Bombs Planted at KFC’s in Mexico

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberacion Total Date: May 17, 2010 Institution Targeted: Kentucky Fried Chicken Received anonymously: This past Wednesday around 10pm the frente de liberacion total, in leon gto, placed two fake bombs in the entrance of a KFC located on the boulevards hilario medina and vicente valtierra, causing an intense police and …

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FLA Attacks Kentucky Fried Chicken

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberacion Animal Date: May 12, 2010 Institution Targeted: Kentucky Fried Chicken Received anonymously: In the early hours of April 10 we placed two cans of butane gas with an explosive charge and a homemade fuse in one of the entrances of a Kentucky Fried Chicken in the commercial area of …

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Unnamed Activists Hit Multiple Targets

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: May 10, 2010 Institution Targeted: Multiple Targets Received anonymously: Three fur stores were targeted in Pittsburgh. Two downtown fur stores and one in the South Side. Locks were glued at Canadian Fur company again. Across the street, all four locks were glued on the pull down gate of Carl Hermann …

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