Category: Communiqués

8 Hens Liberated in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Part of our rescue team got out of the car near the location. With bags and tools they disappear into dark. I’m driving with a friend to park the car maybe 3 km away. Later on we slowly go back to the place where …

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16 Rabbits Liberated from Uruguay Farm

anonymous report, from contra info (translation): “Early in the morning of June 14, 16 rabbits were liberated from a farm in the Melilla neighborhood. With pliers and shears in hand we managed to open the way to freedom for all the rabbits who were there and on one of the walls we wrote ‘life is …

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Liberation Grafitti in Barcelona

Received anonymously (translation): We decided to take to the streets of Barcelona to leave a clear message for animal liberation; our weapons are paper, brushes and paint to demonstrate the oppression of speciesism, anyone can do it, leaving the lethargy and boredom that the city offers us. Wake up and take to the streets, do all …

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Liberation Graffiti in Barcelona, Spain

Received anonymously (translation): We decided to take to the streets of Barcelona to leave a clear message for animal liberation; our weapons are paper, brushes and paint to demonstrate the oppression of speciesism, anyone can do it, leaving the lethargy and boredom that the city offers us. Wake up and take to the streets, do all …

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ALF Destroys 12 Hunting Stands in Kiev(Ukraine)

anonymous report, from Green Rainbow (translation): “During the weekend (June 10-12), despite the rainy weather, ALF activists went into the woods near the river in the Borodyansky district of Kiev. It had become known to us that in these parts hunters use towers to shoot wild animals. Forest defenders had stumbled upon a number of …

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Rabbit Rescued in Turkey by ALF

Received anonymously: ALF in Turkey Rescued the captive rabbit hunters until every cage is empty!”

ALF Burns Buses Used to Transport Fur Buyers in Finland

ALF activists placed incendiary devices under the tires of buses at a Pohjolan Matka depot in Vantaa, Finland during the night of June 9. Five buses were completely destroyed, and several others damaged. The bus company reported damages of EUR 1.5 million. Pohjolan Matka has transported buyers to the Saga Furs auction house for many …

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320 Birds, 3 Foxes Liberated in Mexico City

anonymous report, from Earth First! Newswire: “At 4am, while so-called mexico city was blanketed by police, pollution, and restless capitalism, 320 birds and 3 foxes were liberated from Mercado Sonora, a crowded distribution point of nonhuman creatures kidnapped from their homes and crammed into horrid conditions of human negligence. All the human-labeled bird species that …

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ALF Burns Banner at Dolphinarium in Ukraine

anonymous report, from Green Rainbow: “Animal Liberation Front (Kyiv) burned the banner at the dolphinarium ‘Nemo’. We consider that the existence of any concentration camps in the world is unacceptable. The image of burning dolphin on the banner symbolizes the suffering of these wonderful and extremely intelligent animals in captivity. We insist on the immediate …

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ALF Liberate Nine Quail in Venice (Italy)

Received anonymously During the night between May 30-31, Animal Liberation Front activists released nine adult quail, kept locked in a small cage with very little light, little air, fed scraps of food, in Mestre (Venice), near the Forte Marghera park, in a former military structure – municipal today – squatted for years by an individual …

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Grafitti in Arauco Province (Chile)

Received anonymously Anti-authoritarian messages were painted on walls in Arauco Province on the night of May 22, including “fire to slaughterhouses, destroy butcher shops.” claim of responsibility (Spanish): “Rayamos diferentes muros de la provincia de arauco con mensajes con contenido antiautoritario en la noche del 22 de mayo, de los variados rayados dejamos unas fotografías …

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Toronto ALF Targets North American Fur Auction

Received anonymously Last week I gained access to the roof top of the North American Fur Auction and sabotaged air conditioning units. I also lit several petrol bombs to send a clear message to those who make their living killing and torturing animals that the times are changing. This action was done in solidarity with …

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Santiago (Chile) Butcher Shop Burned

A butcher shop was torched during a May 1 street protest in Santiago. Translation of claim of responsibility by the Earth First! Journal: “…. The incendiary attack consisted of the partial burn of a butcher shop named ‘Miss Meat’ [‘doña carne’] located at the corner of Chacabuco and Alameda. We used 5 liters of benzine …

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Farm Animals Rescued in England

Received anonymously This is a report of actions carried out by the alf in the south of  England over the last four months. All of the animals liberated now have homes for life where they can live out their lives free from pain, fear, abuse and murder. These actions are dedicated to all our prisoners …

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Shooting Range Arson by ALF in Germany

The ALF set fire to a shooting range used by hunters in Banteln (Hildesheim) on the night of May 6-7. (photo: Hildesheimer Allgemeinen Zeitung) Full claim of responsibility (German): “alf renoviert schießstand nachdem wir in den vergangenen monaten bereits zwei schliefenanlagen in hildesheim und göttingen besucht hatten, haben wir in der nacht von freitag auf …

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