Category: International Communiqués

ALF Liberates 100 Hens in South West of England

Received anonymously: 100 hens liberated from a farm in the south west of England in solidarity with all comrades fighting the badger cull. All birds now safe from abuse for the rest of their lives. ALF

Hunting Blind Destroyed in France

Received anonymously (translation): The weekend of October 8, a hunting blind was destroyed under the sound of fatal shootings. Vehicles belonging to the hunters were shot with paint balls. Join theresistance. animal liberation, earth liberation. V.A French: “Le week end du 8 octobre, des affûts de chasseurs ont été détruits sous le bruit des tirs …

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Equestrian Club Sabotage in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Received anonymously (translation): In few places is domination as visible as it is in the use of horses for riding… they take an animal born to be free and subject him or her to human control to be humiliated, handled and stripped of their independence; the horse loses his whole life, his interests, now a …

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Numerous ALF and ELF Actions in Santiago and Arauco Province (Chile)

In a joint statement, ALF and ELF cells claimed responsibility for a number of actions in September in Santiago and Arauco Province, including: locks glued at butcher shops, a slaughterhouse splashed with paint and the words ‘Animal Liberation’ left behind, and anti-vivisection slogans painted at pharmacies. Claim of responsibility (Spanish): “Por medio de este comunicado …

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ALF Liberates 50 Caged Hens in South of England

Received anonymously: 50 caged hens rescued from intensive farm unit in the south of England.all now safe in their new homes. until all are free ALF

ALF Liberates 25 Caged Hens in Norfolk (England)

Received anonymously: 25 caged hens rescued from filthy conditions in Norfolk England. ALF east coast

ALF Liberates Pheasant, Chicken and Hares in Italy

Received anonymously (translation); click here for video from the action: September 19, 2016. The Animal Liberation Front rescued one pheasant, one chicken and five hares captured by hunters in Italy. They were brought to a safe place where they then were released. We will continue fighting until every cage is empty. ALF

ALF Sweden Liberates 20 Crayfish, Destroys More Traps

20 crayfish liberated in the south of of Sweden. If we didn’t act they would’ve been boiled to death All 5 traps destroyed ALF Sweden

Hunting Towers Destroyed in Southwest Sweden , 20 Sep

Received anonymously Hunting towers destroyed in southwest Sweden , 20 Sep.

5 Hens Liberated, Czech Republic

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “My name is Lukáš Krása and I decided to switch to direct actions (rescue). In following text, I will briefly describe my reasons and direct rescue process. When we reach the place, we deploy as planned and wait for connection. Once the patrols notify …

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Swedish ALF Destroys Crayfish Traps

Received Anonymously: crayfish cages and nets were pulled up from the lake and was destroyed and fired up. Southwestern Sweden September 20 ALF Sweden

Rabbit Liberated from University Laboratory by Student in Argentina

Received Anonymously (translation): I am a student at the National University of La Plata and I live here with the daily horrors, made evident in recent years through shocking images, seeing the torture directly, the murder and how they turn animals into ‘things.’ I believed that there was no one who knew about these things, …

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ALF Glues Lock at Braunschweig (Germany) Fishing Club

According to an anonymous report on, during the night of July 21-22, a lock was glued at the fishing club “Angelsportverein Braunschweig von 1922” in Braunschweig, and “ALF” spray-painted on the walls. German: In der Nacht von 21. auf den 22. Juli 2016 haben wir das Schloss der Geschäftsstelle vom „Angelsportverein Braunschweig von 1922 …

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Fur Shop Windows Broken in Wurzburg, Germany

anonymous report of an action in Würzburg during the night of June 9/10, (translation): Tonight on the Semmelstraße something happened. In protest against the mass killing of so-called fur and farm animals, the fur and leather shop Dornblut was attacked. Stones were thrown at the shop windows, behind which the skin of dead animals …

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15 Hunting Towers Destroyed, Magpies Liberated in France

Received Anonymously (translation): On September 10, in the South East of France, a team of activists destroyed 15 hunting towers. Later that night magpies were released from an aviary. Until all the cages are opened! French: Le 10 Septembre, dans le sud est de la france, une équipe d’activistes à détruit 15 miradors. Plus tard …

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