Category: International Communiqués

140 Quail Freed (Modena, Italy)

Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video from the action): Italy, Modena. 140 quails freed from a hunters’ dog training event.

ALF Liberates 20,000 Pheasants from Game Farm (Pembury, UK)

Received anonymously: During the night of Monday a group of us approached a game farm near Pembury, South East UK that we had located via the game farm map. The pens were flimsy and breaking by themselves, so we had to be very careful when cutting the chicken wire. We used tin snips to cut …

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Chickens Freed by ALF (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: A couple of years ago we visited this farm and took 25 birds with us the night before their slaughter. We happened to be driving by that same farm so we decided to pay it a second visit. The farmer, who owns multiple broiler sheds in the area, is also very …

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3 Nutria Traps Destroyed by ALF in Cremona (Italy)

Received anonymously from (click here for video from the action): 3 traps used to capture nutria were destroyed in Cremona (Italy) by the Animal Liberation Front.

9 Rabbits Liberated by ALF in Netherlands

Received anonymously from (click here for video from the action): The Animal Liberation Front released 9 rabbits from a farm in the Netherlands. Now you can live happily, free from exploitation, in a beautiful home. Until the last cage is empty!

ALF Liberates Partridges from Game Farm in UK

Received anonymously from @ALFUKpress: We easily located a game farm using the game farm map that was recently published. We then waited for a rainy night to help cover any noise we made. Upon getting to the site we realised we didn’t need the bolt cutters we brought, so we hid them in a hedge a few hundred …

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ALF Sabotages Hunt Weekend in Sydney, Australia

On May 5th 2019, members of the Animal Liberation Front from around Australia came together to disrupt the opening hunt weekend of the Sydney Hunt Club in NSW who use enslaved horses and hounds to terrorize and murder foxes. All of the facebook pages and groups as well as the website used by Sydney Hunt …

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Open Rescue of 39 Hens (Spain)

Reported by activists in Spain (click here for video from the action): Last night we entered the biggest farm of the leading company in poultry farming in Spain, Huevos Guillén, who supplies eggs to the biggest supermarket in the country, Mercadona. This company has 11 farms, almost 500 employees and 6 million egg laying hens who produce …

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Guinea Fowl Liberated from Plumpton College, Game Management Facility (UK)

Received anonymously: Guinea Fowl liberated from Plumpton College, Game Management Facility, in the early hours of Sunday 2nd June 2019. These birds have been taken to a safe place far away from the oppressors wishing to profit from selling a chance to shoot these birds in the name of ‘sport’ or ‘conservation’. Fuck the hunters. …

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ALF Releases Quail from Dog-Training Farm (Italy)

Received anonymously from (click here for video from the action): The Animal Liberation Front attacked a farm and released quail used in the training of hunting dogs. They were going to be sold to hunters for the training of their dogs. Now they will live a life in freedom away from exploitation and death.

Hunting Tower Destroyed (Germany)

Received anonymously from Underground Badger Syndicate: Whilst wandering through the Hambach Forest this morning, we noticed a brand new hunting tower had appeared right next to the tragic carcass of one that had previously been rendered unusable. It seems the local hunt scum are a little slow to pick up on the message – we will …

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Butcher Shop Attacked with Red Paint in Brighton (UK)

According to media reports, red paint was thrown on a butcher shop in Brighton, and “Meat is Murder” painted, during the night of June 12-13.

ALF Torches Fur Farmer’s Car (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Sweden. Early on Friday morning we visited the house of mink fur farmer Niclas Pettersson and set fire to one of his cars. We left under the wheel two small bottles with less than 500ml of gasoline stolen from a different fur farm and lit a fuse made of firelighters. The posh cars …

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2000 Mink Liberated (Torun, Poland)

According to media reports, during the night of June 6-7 approx. 2,000 mink were released from cages at a fur farm in Lubicz Dolny, near Toruń. Fencing was also destroyed, allowing mink to escape from the farm.

ALF Destroys Mink Transport Cages (Sweden)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: With mink being too young to be released, we decided that taking away and smashing the transport cages the farmer will use to separate mothers from babies was a good idea, so after lurking around a farm for a little while, we found an enormous pile of them and trashed them. …

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