Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: When we received the call to action to smash McDonald’s windows we decided to take action. A comrade is facing trial for a McDonald’s disruption. We cannot be show-watchers of the animal liberation movement any longer. We targeted a 24 hours McDonald’s in Tonbridge, Kent, to show we are not fearful …
Category: International Communiqués
Jul 18
Ducks Liberated from Farm (Netherlands)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After some careful and thorough inspections, the horrific facts that took place on this farm (repeatedly) came to light. No water, very poor hygiene, no daylight, only artificial light and hardly any sleep. (The hours of light are being manipulated) That is why we have taken action and rescued a few …
Jul 17
Ducks Liberated from Foie Gras Farm (Unknown Location)
Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video from the action): No individual should be in cage. This only sentence justifies to open the billions of cages, sheds, gates, torture camps. No prison is tolerable: intensive farming is a cramped prison; extensive breeding is an arranged prison. Captivity is a prison that violates the rights …
Jul 17
Hunt Sabotage (Belgium)
According to an anonymous report on Vegan Corporation, activists took down 22 hunting towers, sabotaged three pheasant farms, and destroyed crow traps, in the Hesbaye brabançonne region of Belgium. Click here for more photos. Claim of responsibility (French): Belgique – Hesbaye brabançonne. Une équipe d’activistes antispécistes ont abattu 22 miradors de chasse, 3 élevages de faisan.e.s et 3 …
Jul 16
116 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Sweden)
Received anonymously (click here for dozens of additional photos): Over the course of two weeks Swedish activists worked together to destroy as much hunting equipment as possible. The result was 116 hunting towers, as well as some traps and feeding stations. Many of the towers are tagged with ‘HSS’ which stands for ‘Hunt Saboteurs Sweden’. Hunters will …
Jul 14
Sabotage at Chicken Farm (Spain)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: We painted and tried to boicot the wheels and deposit of this truck but the alarm started ringing and we had to go (We got the pic while the alarm was ringing though). Just after that, we went to a chicken farm under construction and painted all the walls and cut …
Jul 14
Two Piglets Liberated (Spain)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: One of our camarades enters through a window, gets one pig under each arm and sneaks out rolling backwards on their back, then by using his balance, he manages to sit on one fence, stand up and walk through the borders of the other fences in order to pass the piglets …
Jul 13
ALF Liberates 8 Rabbits (UK)
Jul 12
ALF Liberates Hundreds of Birds from Game Farm (UK)
Received anonymously: Hundreds of game birds released in an action against the shooting industry in southern England. The estate was targeted, fences cut and hundreds of birds made their escape to freedom. Large amounts of economic sabotage was done in and around the vile prisons these birds are kept in. We will be coming back …
Jul 11
Two Chicken Farms Sabotaged (Cramme, Wolfenbuttel, Germany)
Received anonymously: Two chicken farms in Cramme (Wolfenbüttel) were sabotaged during the night of June 18. According to an anonymous report on die tierbefreier e.V., activists thoroughly checked that the buildings were empty (they were being cleaned at the time), and then destroyed an exhaust fan, and damaged the watering and feeding systems. The message, “Climate …
Jul 11
9000 Pheasants Released from Captivity (Southeast UK)
Received anonymously (click here for video taken by the farmer following the action): We hit a game farm in the South East UK breeding pheasants for the shooting industry. We’ve heard that 9000 birds managed to escape. It was quite an easy job, we simply cut through the netting with scissors and knives and rolled it to …