Category: International Communiqués

Slaughterhouse Truck Damaged (Basque Country)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After driving for hours to find some specific places without any success, we bumped into a slaughterhouse and this death truck payed all the price. All 4 wheels pricked and destroyed windshield with some bricks we found there. We will not tolerate violence, not in the Baske Country, not anywhere.

ALF Destroys Hunting Towers, Feed Station (France)

Received anonymously: This weekend of 21 and 22 September, in the south-east of France, watchtowers, traps, cages and feeding points were once again sabotaged. Not a first for the members of ALF, an eternal start as long as the hunters continue to slaughter the animals in the name of regulation claiming to be the first …

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Another Hunting Website Hacked (France)

Received anonymously: \\\ Hacked by Animal Liberation Front /// “Until every cage is empty” “Hunting is not a hobby, a tradition, a sport, a right, a necessity or ecology” Animal Liberation has no borders IT’S TIME TO HUNT THE HUNTERS ****************************************************************************************** links: exportclients-email-civilite-nom-prenom-fonction-cp-ville_csv ****************************************************************************************** Bonus: ****************************************************************************************** …

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Hunting Tower Toppled (Sweden)

Received anonymously: When we were walking through the forest and enjoying nature we saw this piece of ugliness. We toppled it and damaged it, making it impossible for the murderers to use in their assassinations. Long live the animals! Location: Sweden

ALF Shatters Window of Fur Shop (Sweden)

Received anonymously: On the night the 20th of september a fur and leather shop got their door window smashed with a big stone and their windows sprayed with ”Animal Abuser”. It is a friendly reminder that they should shut down. Also, they tried to fix the window with tape (with their name on) so maybe …

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Open Rescue of 14 Chickens, Support Eric King (Czech Republic)

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Rescue Action XLIX (August 2019) & Support Eric King We’ve been trying to get into this building for a long time and now it finally worked out. This was the so-called cage-free factory farm. We call it a carpet. That’s because as chicks grow up, you …

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Chicken Farm in Normandy Destroyed by Arson (Orne, France)

Three empty buildings at a chicken farm in Normandel (Orne) were set on fire during the night of September 16-17. “Assassins” and “death camp” were painted in black on the buildings. Damages are estimated between 500,000 and one million Euros.

850 Pheasants, Partridges and Mallards Liberated (Slovenia)

Received anonymously: LPN Fazan “Pheasant” Beltinci is the biggest Slovenian hunting farm for pheasants, Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and partridge (Perdic perdix) are also raised. They are being hunted with dogs or/and falcons. The cages were opened and pheasants, partridges, mallards were guided towards freedom. Their ascent towards full Moon was something that belonged to them …

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Three Rodeo Rings Damaged by Arson (Chile)

On September 17, a rodeo ring in La Ligua (Valparaíso) was heavily damaged by fire. According to media reports, leaflets were found at the site, including one that said, “See how your tradition burns. Justice for animals” It was the third attack this month against Chilean rodeo. In the early hours of September 14, a …

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ALF Sabotages Butcher Shop (Spain)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Ham shop re decorated with spray paint message in Spanish ‘Ham is murder’ reminding all buyers and passengers of this main alley about the murder they have normalized. Also window showing dead pig’s leg was crossed out and ALF symbol painted on main entrance. Until all are free.

Hunting Tower Destroyed near Paris (France)

Received anonymously: On the night of Thursday, September 12, 2019, in the Paris region, we, animalist activists, destroyed a hunting tower and tagged on the ground ‘stop speciesism’. The hunting towers are not directly visible by satellite images (google maps), so we spotted it by walking around fields near the edge of a wood. We …

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17 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After driving by the farm a couple of times to check for activity we approached the barn from the rear, furthest away from the house. This was a free range egg farm with doors running down one side of the barns which led out onto a small section of outdoor space …

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ALF Liberates Hundreds of Pheasants (France)

Received anonymously: During the night of the 11th and 12th September, in France, we, Animal Liberation Front activists, helped what we think to be hundreds of pheasants to escape from their prison. Using cutters, we cut a large part of the net preventing them from flying away. Then we went in the end of the …

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Butcher’s Windows Smashed in Geneva (Switzerland)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Butcher’s shop vandalised on windows breaking antinational day (1st of july). Geneva, Switzerland. This same Window was already broken in may 2018 and Matthias, a swiss activist is being held in prison for more than 9 months now. He’s also accused of having broken this particular window.

ALF Targets Aydin Hunter Association (Turkey)

Received anonymously from In Turkey, Aydin Hunter Association (Aegean Region) was attacked by ALF. The locks of the association were glued, slogans were painted to the doors. The signboards were destroyed. Hunting is murder! Until all are free. The action was dedicated to the vegan anarchist prisoner Marius Mason