Category: International Communiqués

24 Chickens Rescued (Netherlands)

According to a report on, the ALF rescued 24 chickens from a farm in the Netherlands on the night of January 4.

ALF Sabotages Hunting Towers (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: It’s the new decade and animal exploitation and murder is still widespread. So, the pixies thought they’d go out and smash shit up for some self-care! They had a few more towers they wanted to take down but were unfortunately spotted by some potential scummers. This meant they had to quickly …

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Pig Farm Sabotage in France (Warning- graphic video!)

Received anonymously: See (graphic) video here for a week: The last day of 2019 was another excuse for a feast, to celebrate human domination by exterminating even more living beings than the rest of the year. Good feelings in the spotlight, but torture and violence all over the plates. While they are feasting, the revolt …

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ALF Destroys 17 Hunting Towers (Meiningen/Thuringia, Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: During xmas- & new year’s holidays 17 hunting towers & shooting chairs around Meiningen/Thuringia were destroyed and/or damaged so no more killings are going to happen from these ones. When I was a little child I used to climb on each tower I found, until I realized what they were made …

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Chained Dog Freed (Italy)

According to a report on, on November 14 a dog used “as a burglar alarm” was freed from life at the end of a chain. Click here for video from the rescue. Italian: Il 14 novembre 2019 abbiamo spezzato la catena ad un povero cane legato da quando era nato per fungere da antifurto in provincia di …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Tower (UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): On a fine Sunny afternoon, just before the new year, some pixies were out for a stroll in the cuntryside. When suddenly, they found a hunting tower! Unfortunately, tripped into the tower very hard, resulting in it falling over! OOPSIE! Yours truly, ALF<3

Lamb Rescued on Christmas Day (Veneto, Italy)

Received anonymously from (translation): A lamb was rescued on Christmas day in Veneto (Italy) and taken to a home where he will be free. The lamb will not be part of the food chain, will not be a slave again. Happy Holidays.

82 Ducks Liberated (Spain)

Reported by activists in Spain (click here for video from the rescue): On entrance to the farm, as always we checked the farms bins first. as we opened the lid this duck lifted his head and opened his eyes, he was full of blood and laying amongst loads of dead bodies that were already decomposed. i went …

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ALF Destroys 7 Hunting Stands in Basque Country

Received anonymously from During the night of the winter solstice, and despite the heavy rain and wind, a group of activists from the Animal Liberation Front entered the area of ‘Aiako Harria’ (Peñas de Aya) in Gipuzkoa (Euskal Herria) where there are numerous hunting stands. We destroyed 7 of them. The adverse weather did not …

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Nutria Freed from Trap (Italy)

According to a report on, a nutria was freed from a trap, and the trap destroyed, in Italy. Click here to view video from the action.

Website of Fishing Net Manufacturer Hacked (France)

Received anonymously: \\\ Animal Liberation// Target: pêche en mers - ‘Une gamme complète de produits pour la pêche. 1er fabricant de filet en France depuis 1929, Le Drezen est spécialisé dans la conception et la fabrication de chaluts, sennes à thon, nappes de filets et engins de pêche. Monteur de chalut de…’ - ‘LE DREZEN …

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ALF Sweden Destroys 3 Hunting Towers

Received anonymously: Sweden – 12 december We won’t let hunters hunt! 3 towers destroyed so much they will never be usable again. ALF sweden

Horse Riding Websites Hacked (France)

Received anonymously: \\\ Animal Liberation// Target: Equitation Defaced ==> FEDERATION REGIONALE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DE SPORT DE BRETAGNE link: link: link: Defaced ==> CENTRE EQUESTRE

Open Rescue of 67 Hens (Czech Republic)

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Rescue Action LIV (November 2019) & Support Project FANG This report contains 3 rescue actions in which we liberated 67 animals. 26 animals on the first action, 23 on the second and on third week took 18 of them. We did not ask the businessmen, politicians …

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Hunting Tower Damaged (Vienna, Austria)

Received anonymously: One hunting tower damaged, Vienna, Austria The action took place exactly one week ago.