Category: International Communiqués

ALF Destroys Cage Trap (Italy)

Received anonymously: A cage trap has been destroyed by the Animal Liberation Front in Italy.

3 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Germany)

Received anonymously: We are the A.L.F. and we will come back to defend the forest. More towers will fall until they stop this so-called sport, which is nothing else but murder. Smash speciesism!

ALF Destroys 2 Hunting Towers (Germany)

Received anonymously: Two hunting towers destroyed, Germany, December 2020. It’s no sport, it’s murder.

ALF Vandalizes Ostrich Farm (Sweden)

Received anonymously: For Richii Klinsmeister, soon free from prison! For Karl HÃggroth, taken by the cops! Somewhere in Sweden, ALF vandalized a disgusting ostrich farm, a fucking death camp (several road signs were destroyed). Comrades, until everyone is free, we fight for the animals! Fire to the prisons! Fire to the farms! See you soon…

ALF Hacks Italian Hunting Federation Website (Italy)

Received anonymously from Frente de Liberación Animal: The official website of the Italian Hunting Federation <> has been hacked by the Animal Liberation Front.

Two Turkeys Liberated, Rat Traps Destroyed, Locks Glued (East Anglia, UK)

Received anonymously: Two turkeys liberated from a farm in East Anglia. Rat traps destroyed. Dead bins tagged & locks glued. Both these girls have been found to be suffering with gape worm, and one has an injury to the foot causing her to limp. They are in a safe place now where they’ll be free …

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Hunting Tower Destroyed in Serbia

Received anonymously: One Hunter tower broken. For a world without hunters. 29.11.2020. Serbia.

7 Turkeys Rescued in Midlands (UK)

Received anonymously: We’re back. We’re back and we are taking the turkeys. 7 turkeys were liberated from a free range organic turkey farm. Fuck your welfare standards, killing is killing and we ain’t letting it happen. These turkeys were already ‘sold’, already marked for somebody’s Christmas dinner, kept to grow fatter until the fast approaching …

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Hunting Lodges Destroyed, Birds Liberated by ALF (Lombardy, Italy)

Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video): Lombardy, Italy. 20 hunting lodges destroyed in the night and 90 birds used as live decoy liberated.

ALF Destroys 13 Hunting Stands in Germany

Via local media: According to local media, four hunting towers were set alight in Gödenstorf during the evening of the 22nd November, causing a total damage of 5000 EUR. On the 19th, in Viernheim, nine more towers were destroyed, legs sawn off, ladders broken or overturned. Some of them had been tagged with ALF.

Butcher Shop Covered with Paint in Toulouse (France)

Received anonymously: A butcher shop in Toulouse was covered in red paint and painted slogans (“le coronavirus tue moins que le boucher” = “coronavirus kills less than the butcher”) during the night of November 16-17.

ALF Liberates 2 Calves (UK)

Received anonymously: The countryside is full of scum and death. After finding and destroying badger cages around a particular farm in Somerset we decided to get a closer look. Right next to the house we found two calves dumped like rubbish in the mud with a load of other discarded items. Shivering, malnourished and covered …

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ALF Destroys Cage Trap (Italy)

Received anonymously from Frente de Liberación Animal (click here for video from the action): A cage trap has been destroyed by the Animal Liberation Front in Italy.

Pig Liberated from Farm in East Anglia (UK)

Received anonymously: Pig liberated from farm in East Anglia UK. 7TH November 2020 Until every cage is empty.

7 Hunting Towers Damaged (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: Seven hunting towers have been damaged in the north of Czechia. The object are located on a ho-tspot of carbofuran poisonings. Carbofuran is a very toxic chemical widely used by hunters to get rid of natural predators. Intoxication results in a respiratory failure and painful dead of the animal. No poisoners have been …

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