Category: International Communiqués

Grafitti in Arauco Province (Chile)

Received anonymously Anti-authoritarian messages were painted on walls in Arauco Province on the night of May 22, including “fire to slaughterhouses, destroy butcher shops.” claim of responsibility (Spanish): “Rayamos diferentes muros de la provincia de arauco con mensajes con contenido antiautoritario en la noche del 22 de mayo, de los variados rayados dejamos unas fotografías …

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Santiago (Chile) Butcher Shop Burned

A butcher shop was torched during a May 1 street protest in Santiago. Translation of claim of responsibility by the Earth First! Journal: “…. The incendiary attack consisted of the partial burn of a butcher shop named ‘Miss Meat’ [‘doña carne’] located at the corner of Chacabuco and Alameda. We used 5 liters of benzine …

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Farm Animals Rescued in England

Received anonymously This is a report of actions carried out by the alf in the south of  England over the last four months. All of the animals liberated now have homes for life where they can live out their lives free from pain, fear, abuse and murder. These actions are dedicated to all our prisoners …

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Shooting Range Arson by ALF in Germany

The ALF set fire to a shooting range used by hunters in Banteln (Hildesheim) on the night of May 6-7. (photo: Hildesheimer Allgemeinen Zeitung) Full claim of responsibility (German): “alf renoviert schießstand nachdem wir in den vergangenen monaten bereits zwei schliefenanlagen in hildesheim und göttingen besucht hatten, haben wir in der nacht von freitag auf …

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Meat Market Sabotage in Greece

On 30/04, we sabotaged the lockers of 18 meat-stores (in 3 of them butchers were locked inside), blocking for a while their preparation for the biggest sale of  dead animals for the Easter Sunday. This action does not only target the transaction of dead animals, but it’s also an attack to the greek tradition which …

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43 Hunting Stands Damaged in Germany

Received anonymously A total of 43 hunting seats have been overturned and damaged since the beginning of April near the towns of Wilflingen, Mengen and Riedlingen (Baden-Württemberg). One hunter told a local newspaper, “I assume that the perpetrators have nothing against me personally, but against hunting in general.

Week of Action in Chile Dedicated to Fallen Activist Javier Recabarren

Chile: Propaganda during the week of agitation for Javier Recabarren in the Bío Bío Region We succeeded in painting the following graffiti on walls in the Bío Bío Region. We do this as part of the call to agitation in memory of our comrade, the young fighter for animal liberation, Javier Recabarren. We moved with …

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Bullfighter Statue Defaced in Valencia

Received anonymously A statue of a bullfighter outside the Plaza de Toros bullring in Valencia was covered with red paint on April 23.

Hunting Stands Destroyed in Bortlinger (Germany)

Received anonymously (delayed report) A chainsaw was used to destroy three hunting towers in Börtlinger (Baden-Württemberg) in January. Another tower was toppled and “ALF” painted .  

Santiago Pet Shop Sabotaged

Received anonymously (delayed report) It is in action that is anarchic and confrontational to all forms of domination that we went stealthily in the early evening of Saturday, [December] 12th to the ‘Premium Pet’ shop located at Toesca 1844, in downtown Santiago and with simple materials (1) we sabotaged padlocks so that the owners of …

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Dairy Plant, Meat Company Paint-Bombed in Finland

In a cold world, in the cold north, our hearts still always have warmth to share for those who’ve had to sacrifice their freedom in the struggle for freedom for all. On the night of Monday 11th of April, 2016, in Tampere, Finland, milk company Valio’s dairy plant got a paintbomb on its facade, as …

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Two Pigeons Liberated in Moscow

Received anonymously A few days ago in Moscow, Russia 2 decorative pigeons were liberated from hands of animal abusers, which have made a lot of money by photos with ’em. The birds were in bad condition, they were absolutely depressed and had cutted wings. Now they’re on a rehabilitation and will live in love without any exploitation. Also, we …

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Imprisoned Fox Freed, Structure Torched in Klein Schneen, Germany

The ALF freed a fox from a hunting dog training facility in Klein Schneen on March 26. A structure was also set on fire. The activists wrote, “The members of the club should expect that we will continue to watch them. We urge them to immediately announce the closure of the facility so that no …

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Capergnanica (Cremona), Italy – Mink breeding farm under attack

March 27, 2016 by actforfreedom In the night of 31st December we broke into the breeding farm run by farming company Master in Capergnanica (Cremona). Our intention was very clear: to free the minks locked up in there and destroy cages and instruments. After we opened a gap in the fence we cut the high …

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49 Lambs Saved from Easter Slaughter

Received Anonymously Freed 49 lambs from a herd intended for Easter massacre. On the night of March 7 we returned the joy of living to 49 lambs, with the complicity of the night we arrived in front of the fence that protected the stable where they were locked up those 49 defenseless creatures, alone, cold, …

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