Category: International Communiqués

ALF Liberates Pig from Argentine Laboratory

Received Anonymously (translation): Argentina Buenos Aires We enthusiastically communicate that a life has been rescued from a horrible place, from inside the National University of La Plata, where the faculty of agronomy, medicine and veterinary science is located, where they teach how to torture, exploit and do business with animals; unique careers, unique forms of …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed in Alsace-Lorraine Region (France)

Received Anonymously: In North-East France, Alsace-Lorraine region, 4 more Hunting towers have been destroyed raising the total this summer to 12 towers. Graffiti on them showed ALF signs. Join and save some animals from the hunt. French: Dans le nord-est de la France, en région Alsace Lorraine, 4 nouveaux miradors de chasse ont été détruits …

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More Rabbits Liberated in Uruguay

Received anonymously (translation by Earth First! Journal): In the early hours of Tuesday, August 9, 11 bunnies from the Solymar Norte farm were liberated; unfortunately not all of the rabbits there were able to be transferred, but 11 of them are now far from this center of exploitation. In Uruguay, it’s totally normal to breed …

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Bullring Painted in Arago, Spain

anonymous report (translation): On August 8 we got access to the bullring in a village in Aragon, Spain, to point out (just before the patronage festivals were celebrated) that ‘IF THERE IS A VICTIM IT’S NOT A PARTY’. We also spray-painted ‘STOP THE TORTURE’ and ‘ANIMAL LIBERATION’. Spanish: El día 8 de agosto conseguimos acceder …

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Crow Liberated, Traps, Snares Removed in UK

Received anonymously: Crow liberated from Larson trap in UK Larson trap trashed 9 snares removed

Chilean Butcher Shops Sabotaged by ALF

anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): “…with simple materials we sabotaged the locks so that the owners of this so-called ‘job’ can have it clear in their heads that there are subjects that do not want and do not respect the commercialization of humiliation, suffering and death of animals.” –Javier Recabarren affiliate cell of …

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4 Rabbits Rescued in London

Received anonymously: 4 rabbits rescued from neglect in london, all rabbits have been treated by a vet and are now safely living in their new homes.

100 Hens Liberated by ALF in East England

Received anonymously: 100 caged hens liberated from terrible conditions in the east of England in July, all hens now rehomed and happy in their new lives. until all are free ALF

4 Chickens Rescued in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Open rescue XXVIII (July 2016) & Support Osman Evcan A cold night, rain and thundering far away. Totally wet sitting nearby the enclosure and waiting until the patrol comes. It’s safe. We can go. We know this place, so the rescue is done quickly. …

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150 Male Chicks Rescued in Australia

reported by Aussie Farms (click here for video from the rescue): “On 19 July 2016, Animal Liberation NSW and Aussie Farms released the first-ever Australian footage of male chicks being ground-up alive as waste products of the egg industry ( Two days later in an action organised by Aussie Farms, around 100 activists converged on …

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4 More Hunting Towers Destroyed in Alsace-Lorraine (France)

Received anonymously: In North-East France Alsace-Lorraine region, 4 more Hunting towers have been destroyed raising the total this month to 8 towers. Graffiti on them showed ALF signs. Join by individual or collective actions NOW to save some animals from the hunt. French: Dans le nord-est de la France, en région Alsace Lorraine, 4 nouveaux …

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Dogs Rescued from Puppy Mill in Italy

Received anonymously: On the night of July 6th in the province of Perugia we visited a well-known character, but unfortunately as always happens with the complicity of omertà of the people and with the favor of one who knows but does nothing, he has profited for years on hundreds of defenseless creatures skin. Once there …

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Bomb Hoaxes at Puppy Mills in Czech Republic

Received anonymously (translation): Malá Strana 16, Chotěšice. Municipal office Chotěšice, Chotěšice 29. 28901 Dymokury. Milíčovice 22, Znojmo. Municipal office Milíčovice, Milíčovice 40, 66902. Karlovarská 220, 36301, Ostrov. Municipal office Ostrov, Jáchymovská 1 On early morning July 4th 2016 we reported placing of an explosive at these addresses. There is no explosive at these places though! …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Towers, Mink Trap, Hunt Cabin in Sweden

Received anonymously: 1 July In the Deep forest Of swe we reclaimed the land Of the Animals. We gave them the remaining food after bringing down 3 feeding stations for the wildhogs. 5 hunting Tower and one mink trap was Destroyed. And 1 hunting cabin less in the swe forest. We reclaim the old school A.L.F …

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Kiev (Ukraine) Zoo Vandalized

Anonymous report, from Green Rainbow (click here for video from the action).