Author's posts

Washington State Mobile Slaughter Truck Sabotaged by ALF

14 July 2014 Received Anonymously: Last week, a mobile slaughter truck operated by Wards Custom Meat Cutting (25906 NE 147th Ave, Battle Ground, WA) was sabotaged by having a chemical abrasive introduced to its fuel system. There is nothing humane about turning a living-breathing animal into a lifeless commodity in order to satisfy frivolous human …

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Two California animal rights activists indicted on mink farm sabotage charges

By Reuters Friday, July 11, 2014 6:38 EDT Two Los Angeles-area activists accused of sabotaging an Illinois mink farm and freeing 2,000 of the weasel-like animals from captivity there have been indicted on federal charges of conspiracy and interstate travel to interfere with an animal enterprise. The two-count indictment returned earlier this week by a …

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Two animal rights activists charged with freeing 2,000 mink from farm

BY KIM JANSSEN Federal Courts Reporter July 10, 2014 4:49PM A pair of California animal rights protestors have been federally charged with freeing 2,000 mink from an Illinois fur farm. Tyler Lang, 25, and Kevin Johnson, 27, allegedly released the animals from a mink farm in Morris, 65 miles southwest of Chicago last August, then …

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Animal Rights Militia Active in Czech Republic- 50 Mink Liberated, Farm Sabotaged

From our comrades in the Czech Republic- “we received an anonymous statement (little bit longer in Czech version) about actions against two fur farms in Czech Republic. Informations in the statement are as consistent with a local media report. It is the second action against fur farms in Czech Republic since the last summer. We …

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What We Must Do To Win, by Anonymous

There are two big issues that are preventing us, animal liberation activists, from being as effective as we can be right now. First, we lack coordination, especially here in the United States. We go and protest a restaurant once and never go back. We go and leaflet outside a target and never go back. We …

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Another Mobile Slaughter Unit in Oregon Sabotaged by Activists

Over the weekend, a mobile slaughter unit operated by Shoe’s Mobile Slaughter and Processing (14515 Coon Hollow Rd, Sublimity, OR) was decommissioned by having a gallon of bleach poured into its fuel tank. When the liquid bleach comes into contact with the diesel in the tank it will create a chemical reaction that will cause …

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The Arsonist of Animal Liberation Revolution

Posted by Negotiation Is Over on June 21, 2014 Editorial Note: This article was originally published for our Spanish-speaking friends under the title EL INCENDIARIO DE LA REVOLUCIÓN ANIMAL. And, since it is such an outstanding and inspirational piece of work, NIO has taken the liberty of translating it into English so that we may …

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Mobile Slaughter Unit Sabotaged in Hillsboro, Oregon

On the night of June 14th, we sabotaged the fuel system of a mobile slaughter unit located at the Meating Place (6495 NW Cornelius Pass Road, Hillsboro, OR) by introducing a corrosive chemical to both of its diesel tanks–causing thousands of dollars in damages and rendering it inoperable. Although this act will only serve as …

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Guns made civil rights possible: Breaking down the myth of nonviolent change

A crucial part of the struggle’s been forgotten: how armed self-defense protected activists from white supremacists Charles E. Cobb Jr., for Salon Excerpted from “This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible” We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.
— Ella Baker I have never subscribed to …

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Running from the Devil- An interview with grand jury resister Steve Jablonski

CrimethInc. If you were contacted by the FBI, what would you do? Do you know who you would call? Would you be able to find a lawyer? Would you quit your job? Would you talk to your partner, your comrades, your parents? More importantly, would you talk to the government? If the FBI informed you …

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Mexico City Bans Use of Circus Animals

Violators face $70,000 fines, confiscation of animals By: Hannah Weinberger Outside Magazine Mexico City circus acts have long walked fine lines between animal care and cruelty. Following abuse allegations, politicians voted overwhelmingly Monday to ban on use of animals in circus acts.The bill, which received 41 supporting votes and had no detractors, is awaiting Mayor Miguel Angel …

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Until All Are Free: Documentary on Political Prisoners Eric McDavid and Marie Mason

A new 20 minute documentary has come out telling the story of Eric McDavid, Marie Mason and the larger Green Scare in which they are a part. The video is free to view and share so check it out, share with friends and family, organize a film screening.

BMJ: Is animal research sufficiently evidence based to be a cornerstone of biomedical research?

Analysis BMJ 2014; 348 doi: (Published 30 May 2014) Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g3387   Correspondence to: P Pound pandorapound{at} Public acceptance of the use of animals in biomedical research is conditional on it producing benefits for humans. Pandora Pound and Michael Bracken argue that the benefits remain unproved and may divert funds from …

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Former ELF Member Pleads Guilty to Arsons; Snitches on Friends for Reduced Sentence

Originally posted on the EarthFirst! Journal website. Tomorrow, May 5, 2014, Liam Mulholland will be sentenced for his involvement in a 2003 ELF arson. Mulholland pleaded guilty to setting fire to a house at Mystic Forest housing development in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on March 21, 2003. Spray painted on the garage of a neighboring house were …

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Pheasants Liberated by Animal Liberation Front

On the morning of May 20th, a visit was paid to Gervais Game Bird Farm (6565 St Louis Rd NE, Gervais, Oregon). This farm breeds ‘game birds’ both for slaughter and to be sold to canned hunting operations. A flight pen located at the edge of the property had its gate pried open, giving dozens …

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