Author's posts

Bobcat fur farm for Roy, Montana? We Don’t Think So.

Missoula Independent Posted By Jessica Mayrer on Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:25 PM A proposal to open a new fur farm outside of Roy that would house bobcats in 4-by-6 pens before the animals are harvested for their pelts is prompting outrage from animal rights activists. “As an animal rights activist, I know what …

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Calling for Anti-Capitalist Bloc at the People’s Climate March in NYC

from AnarchistNews On September 20, 2014, Bill McKibben’s and a host of other Green NGOs are calling for a massive march through New York City to demand “the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet. A world safe from the ravages of …

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Two Thoughts on the Animal Liberation Front

Posted by Eleventh Hour on August 6, 2014 by Ian Smith (Uncivilized Animals) Animals have claws; the animal liberation movement should too. And many animals, when cornered or threatened, won’t hesitate to scratch somebody’s fuckin eyes out if that is what is necessary to secure their freedom and safety. Activists speculate and pontificate about what …

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Portland McDonald’s Sabotaged

anonymous report, from Portland Indymedia: Earlier this week, several pieces of heavy equipment, including a dump truck and water pump, located at the construction site of a Mcdonalds restaurant off 29th and Powell in S.E. Portland, were sabotaged by having bleached poured into their fuel tanks. Through the hyper exploitation of an ever growing precarious …

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Hacktivists Target Multiple Sites Advocating Animal Abuse

In recent weeks, anonymous Paw Security activists have targeted animal abuse worldwide. Beginning on August 5, Chinese government websites, and those of Chinese companies, were attacked to protest the dog meat and fur trades. In July, the websites of fur stores, roadside zoos, hunting ranches and exotic meat companies were targeted. Weeks later, some of …

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Animal rights activists smash Star Grocery windows

August 5, 2014 12:30 pm by Frances Dinkelspiel Two FBI agents visited Star Grocery on Claremont Avenue on Monday to investigate a broken window the government believes was smashed by animal rights activists. The large plate glass window of the market, which has been run by the Pappas family since 1922, was smashed around 2 …

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Raju the Elephant, freed after 50 years of captivity and torture

See a video of Raju’s liberation here: Freeing Raju the Crying Elephant from His Chains The Huffington Post For 50 years, Raju the elephant was abused, held shackled in spiked chains and forced to live off scraps from passing tourists. All that changed when he was rescued last weekend by wildlife conservationists who said the …

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Do Animals Need a UN Ambassador?

Read article on Huffington Post UN Ambassador Muhumed Sacirbey speaks to the direct correlations between humanitarian issues and animal rights, and why animals should be represented in our international courts, entities, etc as nations and possibly global citizens . He mentions the fight against commercial whaling and ending animal exploitation perpetuated by self-serving multi-national corporations as …

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Lawyer plans constitutional challenge in mink farm case

Published: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:30 p.m. CDT By Jason Meisner Chicago Tribune CHICAGO – The lawyer for one of two California animal activists accused of sabotaging a Morris mink farm and releasing about 2,000 animals into the wild last year said Tuesday he plans to challenge the constitutionality of the federal “animal enterprise terrorism” charges …

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Windows Smashed at Berkeley, CA Butcher Shop

Received anonymously On the night of June 26th two windows were smashed at Star Meats in Berkeley CA, a butcher shop that boasts about its organic and locally sourced meat. Cage free, organic, murder is murder and death is death. This is a continuation of last years actions in which windows were smashed out of …

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Press Release: ALF Targets Canadian Vivisection Front Group with Butyric Acid

For Immediate Release July 18, 2014 In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office this week, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claims to have targeted the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science in Toronto, an apologist group for the outdated practice of imprisoning, torturing and killing innocent non-human animals in …

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Dr. Steve Best: Speech at the US National Animal Rights Conference, 2014

Link here to the video recording of the talk Dr. Best gave in the opening plenary panel at the US National Animal Rights Conference, on July 10, 2014. He was asked to speak on the meaning of animal rights, and contrasted it to animal welfare, contextualized both in the setting of modern capitalism, and underscored …

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Animal Liberation Front Targets Canadian Vivisection Front Group with Butyric Acid

Received Anonymously: On July 14, 2014, in Toronto, the Animal Liberation Front injected butyric acid into the office of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science. CALAS is an organization made up of vivisectors that promotes animal research. The butyric acid will soak through the carpet and into the floorboards of their offices, and major …

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Two more mobile slaughter units vandalized – Capital Press

Mateusz Perkowski July 16, 2014 11:30AM Capital Press (The West’s Ag Website) Mobile slaughter trucks have again been targeted by animal rights activists. Vandals have apparently damaged more mobile slaughter units in the Northwest, calling it “sabotage” in the name of animal rights. A “chemical abrasive” and bleach were poured into the fuel tanks of slaughter trucks …

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Second Mobile Slaughter Unit Sabotaged by Activists in WA

15 July 2014 Received Anonymously: Earlier this month, a quart of bleach was poured into the fuel tank of a mobile slaughter unit operated by Bolar Custom Meat Cutting (381 Delameter Rd, Castle Rock, WA). This was done with the goal of causing damage to the unit’s fuel system and providing temporary respite from the …

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