Pet Shop, Rotisserie and Bachoco Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: October 28, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexican Companies

Received anonymously

On October 26 liters of red paint were thrown on the walls and sign of a ‘pet’ shop, the facade of a rotisserie and one of the many Bachoco shops in Mexico City were redecorated as well; all this by the Mexican ALF.

Sabotage to infinity the exploiters!”


El pasado 26 de Octubre litros de pintura roja fueron arrojados sobre las paredes y anuncio de una tienda de ‘mascotas’, así como también se re decoro la fachada de una rosticería y una de las tantas tiendas bachoco en el Distrito Federal, todo esto por el ALF mexicano.

¡Sabotaje infinito para lxs explotadorxs!