ALF Vandalize UC Irvine Vivisector’s cars

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front
Date: July 12, 2009
Institution Targeted: UC Irvine Vivisection

Received anonymously:

On July 10, 2009 3 vehicles and the home of a UC Irvine vivisector were hit by the ALF.
1 of his cars (the fanciest of the 4 in front) was doused with paint stripper. 2 others had red paint poured all over them. More red paint was splattered across his driveway, and “KILLER” was spray painted in huge red letters across his garage door so that all his neighbors could see what a cruel, sick person they live near.

To the vivisector:
The red paint on your cars and home is a reminder that these things were purchased with the blood of tortured, innocent animals that are subjected to your sadistic experiments. We know this action was just a minor inconvenience for you, but we hope it makes you realize that your actions have consequences. We can only hope that one day someone will make you suffer as much as the animals in the laboratories you work in. Make the ethical decision (if not for the innocent animals, than for your own good.) Stop vivisection.