Communiqué from Art as Crime, Crime as Art: Target Telmex

Communiqué from Art as Crime, Crime as Art
Date: April 29, 2009
Institution Targeted: TelMex

Received anonymously:

Greetings from Mexico:

The group of immediate anti-speciesist direct action, ‘Art as Crime, Crime as Art,’ claim the following sabotage of Telmex phones:

+ The cable of a phone booth was sabotaged; black plastic was placed there and on it a sign with the logos of Telmex and the Ministry of Health and a message: ‘Telephone infected. Do not touch!’

+ The cord of a telephone handset was cut, leaving it unusable, the cabinet was painted completely black and a writing was left on it:

This poem is against advertising
Why against advertising?
Because it is one of the things
That tells us that we are only ugliness
For not following stereotypes
Dictated by commercials
Lack of imagination
And lack of humility

Advertising deceives
Destroys personal thought
And our mind plunges into the darkness
Of thousands of unnecessary things
So that the human being can see themselves as OK
In the capitalist-patriarchal society
One should buy

I am disgusted and curse this human race
Stereotyped and alienated
That holds advertising as a deity
And considers it as their majesty!

We destroy anything that we do not consider beautiful, and we build the beauty of insurgency.
Passivity is not useful, it is only what the system wants us to do; we are savages and we will collapse civilization.

Saludos desde México:

El grupo de acción directa inmediatista antiespecista “Arte como Crimen, Crimen como Arte” reivindica los siguientes sabotajes a teléfonos de Telmex:

+ Se saboteo el cable de una cabina telefónica, se coloco un plástico negro y sobre el un letrero con los logotipos de Telmex y la Secretaria de Salud que decía: “Teléfono infectado ¡No tocar!”

+ Se corto el cable del auricular de un teléfono dejándolo inutilizable, se pinto completamente de negro dicha cabina y se dejo encima un escrito:

Este poema es contra la publicidad
¿Por qué contra la publicidad?
Pues es una de las cosas
Que nos dice que somos solo una fealdad
Por no seguir estereotipos
Dictados por anuncios comerciales
Faltos de imaginación
Y faltos de humildad

La publicidad engaña
Destruye el pensamiento personal
Y nuestra mente hunde en la oscuridad
De miles de cosas innecesarias
Que el humano por verse bien
Ante la sociedad capitalista-patriarcal
Debe comprar

Me asqueo y maldigo a esta humanidad
Estereotipada y alienante
Que a la publicidad la tiene en deidad
Y la considera como su majestad!

Destruyamos lo que no consideremos bello y construyamos lo hermoso de la insurrección por la liberación total.
La pasividad no sirve es solo lo que el sistema quiere que hagamos, seamos salvajes y colapsemos la civilización.