6 Chickens Liberated, Czech Republic

czech_hens_oct16report from michalkolesar.net (click here for more photos from the rescue):

“It’s raining, we are cold and tired. We can’t contact one of the patrols. There is only a noise heard from the radio transmitter. We have lost nearly half an hour by solving this situation.

Once everything’s all right and all patrols are contacted, me and Lukáš Krása climb the fence and go to one of the halls. We go fast, but calmly.

We were in this hall few months ago. There are same chickens as last time. Fewer of them, but more screaming and having less feather.

We can take only six with. We have no more space. Few photos. No smile.

We turn back home.

Support Lukáš Borl

I met Borlik around 15 years ago (please consider me as a person, who doesn’t have sense of time). He did a festival in Most, where I had a reading and showed some investigation movies.

Later he invited me several times and I accepted sometimes.

When I started with open rescues, he told me he is going to buy oranges, which he will bring me in the prison. Meanwhile I still sadly walk here, Borlik is in prison and police make a terrorist of him.

Let the power and luck be with you, Borlik.

Lukáš Borl 1.3.1982
Vazební věznice Litoměřice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litoměřice”