Footage of 3 people from our group of activists that were beaten and nearly pushed off of a first floor roof by a pro- bullfighting supporter while we were on an anti-bullfighting protest in Valencia, Spain. Its on the point of going to court…in the video you will see the police as they stand and watch with no intention of intervening whatsoever….our guitarist recorded the whole incident…..Its sub-tittled in English.
Here its being censored and Spain does not want anyone to see this video…so it keeps getting deleted…everyone should see whats happening here!
Also, our new anti-bullfighting video clip that we are looking for sponsors to put it in the mainstream against the pro-bullfighting lobby….musicly speaking…if you know anyone please let us know.
Hugs and liberation,
Sharon xxx
Videoclip Antibullfighting (Torture is not culture)
VIDEO of probullfighting supporter beating activists :