Latest Essay by Animal Liberation Prisoner Maxim Plokhoy

Author: Maxim Plokhoy


“We complain about terrorism. But our empire (USA) has become the most audacious terrorist today.” –Gore Vidal

“The USA is an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery.” –Jimmy Carter

“The USA is one of the most dangerous threats to world peace… the world’s main criminal state.” –Noam Chomsky

11/27/2024, news headlines: “One of the most wanted terrorists has been captured after 20 years on the run. A reward of $250,000 has been announced for him…”

“What kind of terrible villain is this, how many people has he stabbed, blown up, shot, maimed, robbed?” –the average person reading the loud headlines thinks and, in anticipation of the terrible details, reads on.

And then it says that the “dangerous terrorist” is Daniel Andreas San Diego, a 46-year-old animal rights activist. And he did not kill, maim, or rob anyone; his “terrorism” consists in the fact that he has a Conscience and a big kind heart. He is a terrorist because he stood up for living beings that cannot defend themselves.

He stood up for Life not in words but in deeds, for protection from the brutality of the people of the system, from terrorism in the law. It is said that, allegedly, in 2003 Andreas planted two bombs in the office of a biochemical company; a month later, another bomb on the territory of a food production corporation.

As a result of the explosions, no one was hurt, because the explosions occurred when there were no people. The goal of the actions was Justice. Blood was not part of his plans, blood would have compromised the very idea of the action.

This is not written in the text of the news, but I know it. I know from my own experience, because the motive and goal of my action Anti-System Day were the same. Andreas directed his actions against companies associated with animal testing. These companies collaborated with the company Huntingolon Life Sciences. This company is AUSCHWITZ FOR ANIMALS, in the dungeons of this concentration camp vivisectors tortured, maimed, and killed thousands of living creatures every day, for years.

In the dungeons of such laboratories, a quick death for animals is happiness; fascists in white coats turn the life and death of experimental animals into terrible, prolonged suffering. This is their job, this is how they earn “honest” money for a living. Their atrocities are in demand by companies like those where the explosions occurred.

The Animal Liberation Brigade claimed responsibility for the actions. San Diego’s profile on the FBI website says he is associated with extremist animal rights groups, “is known to eat a vegan diet…” The animal rights activist became the first domestic terrorism suspect to be added to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list in 2009. San Diego is fourth on the list, Osama bin Laden is first…

The truth is that a real fight against terrorism (not an imitation, not a farce in the form of distracting maneuvers, but a real fight by the American government against the cause, the original source of global evil) would inevitably lead to them (the politicians, the oligarchs, the military, the secret services) being the number one terrorists. (Read my essay “In the Name of the Dollar. Reflections of a “Terrorist” on True Terrorism.”) “The state has always been and is the first terrorist” – this is how the text of my demands began on the Day of the Anti-System (07/21/2020, Lutsk).

In the FBI list of the most dangerous villains, the first places should be occupied by presidents Truman, Nixon, Clinton, Bush Jr., Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jin-un, Lukashenko, Kuchma … as the leaders of terrorist organizations, that is, the leaders of political-oligarchic systems that, in the name of the power of money, are killing the Living Earth.

This list of the main villains should include all the heads of government, armies, special services, police, prison system, all manufacturers, inventors and sellers of weapons, all the billionaires of the world; for it is they who turned the Earth into a place of meaningless existence for billions of people, into hell for animals.

The FBI Director says: “The arrest of Daniel San Diego after more than 20 years demonstrates that no matter how much time passes, the FBI will find you and hold you accountable.” Following this logic of the inevitability of punishment should have led the “fighters against terrorism” first of all to the organizers and perpetrators of the most terrible terrorist attacks in the history of mankind – the atomic murder of children, women and the elderly in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the genocide of the Vietnamese people, during which more than a million children were killed, burned with napalm, and maimed.

Justice requires the FBI Director to bring before the court the entire top of the villainous political-oligarchic power headed by Trump, who denies the very fact of global warming, denies the primacy of the United States in ecocide. The state is a monopoly on terrorism; the state is a precedent, a cause, a source of all crimes. Therefore, it has no moral and legal right to punish for acts that it elevates to law.

The state is the main villain, which declares terrorists those who dared to rebel against its terrorism, dared to fight for Justice for all Earthlings. San Diego was arrested in Wales, UK, in his home in the countryside near the forest; extradition proceedings to the United States have begun. The FBI Director said: “In our country, there is a right and a wrong way to express your views, and turning to violence and destruction of property is not the right way.”

What violence is a high-ranking terrorist in law telling a fable about?! There was no violence in San Diego’s actions. Is the destruction of property acquired on the blood and suffering of innocent animals an atrocity? No! This is a good deed, which is a warning to two-legged animals who value a dollar above Life, above Conscience.

Warning: people, you can’t live like this! With explosions, activists tried to awaken the sleeping conscience of the people of the system. “In our country there is a right way and a wrong way to express your views…” 2001 and 2003 – The US and its allies (accomplices) carried out further acts of state terrorism – they invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, where they killed children, raped women, tortured prisoners; this, apparently, is the right way to express American views… The villains who committed genocide and ecocide in Iraq and Afghanistan are extremely outraged by the actions of the righteous who in the same year of 2003 spoke out “in the wrong way” against the murder animals, against the moral suicide of people.

Eco-activists, “defenders” of animal rights, do you want to protect the Living Earth without entering into conflict with the political-oligarchic system, without violating its laws?? Don’t deceive yourself! Have the courage to think through to the end … The laws of the system are written by its lackeys, written not in the name of the triumph of Justice, but in the name of the triumph of Capital, in the name of the selfish interests of concerns, corporations.

“Everyone is equal before the law” is a fairy tale for fools. The criminal Trump is a vivid confirmation of this. It is impossible to effectively protect the planet’s biosphere from state terrorism if you are afraid of being declared a criminal, a terrorist, an enemy of society, if you are afraid of prisons and death.

DO NOT BE AFRAID! to recognize yourself as an enemy of everything that has elevated the murder of Life into a law. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF DIRECT ACTION against the system of false values! P.S. In 2020, when I was in prison under investigation for the Anti-System Day, the secret services put an informer in my cell who had a smartphone with wiretapping and spyware. They hoped that I would contact non-existent accomplices.

It was funny, I decided to play along and posted on my VKontakte social network page: my accomplice Daniel Andreas San Diego and his photo … People who are close in spirit do not necessarily have to communicate and see each other physically. Those who are close in the Spirit of Truth just need to Be on this beautiful planet to be activists-accomplices in the struggle for true Justice – for all Earthlings.

Accomplices in a fearless attempt to make this world a better place; and wherever they are, they only need one idea-feeling for everyone: All-encompassing Love-Compassion for all Living Things. ANTI-SYSTEM – that’s what I called this idea-feeling, that’s what I called the practical philosophy, the ethics that spreads DO NOT KILL to all sentient Nature.

People, you must realize your brutality towards animals, realize their right to life and freedom, realize: the killing of people begins with the killing of animals. Those who realize it will understand the truth: everything that is considered correct and legal in the struggle for human rights, all these means and methods are no less correct and legal in the struggle for animal rights.

Don’t deceive yourself! Free the hostages! Daniel Andreas San Diego, Friend, I want to console you from my solitary confinement cell with the words of the great fighter for Justice Leo Tolstoy: “the only decent place for an honest man in the present time is prison.”

Prison is our alibi that we are not with them, that our struggle is not an imitation, not a farce; alibi that we are not fake, not false people of the system. Prison is an opportunity for spiritual growth, use it. Prison is a reward, for there is no better fate than the fate of the crucified for the Truth. For the Truth about true Love – Compassion.

Long live the Antisystem!

Prisoner of Conscience Maxim Plokhoy (Krivosh)
12/31/2024, GIK-96, solitary confinement cell 27