70 Chicks Liberated from Transport Truck (Wilton, UK)

Via @dorsetanimalaction

I saw a broken down lorry in Wilton, near Salisbury. In the back, the lorry driver was trying to re-stack crates filled with thousands of chicks; the noise of their cheeping was deafening. There were loads of dead chicks on the floor of the lorry, crushed by the falling crates. The driver was trying to sort them into piles of dead chicks or throw them into a crate if they were still alive. Lots of chicks were rolling off the back into the road. I stopped beside the lorry to block all the traffic, shocked that everyone was just going about their day.

I picked some chicks off the road and placed them in my glove box. Another lady was doing the same. Pedestrians were horrified that the chicks were off to be killed by factory farms and grabbed a few to take home. I kept filling my truck until the lorry driver turned his back. I grabbed the crate he had filled with the escaped chicks, put it in my pick-up, and drove. I took them home to Dorset to figure out what to do next. There were 70 of them!

I contacted Dorset Animal Action and other local groups, and word soon spread. A sanctuary got in touch, and 20 minutes later, the chicks and I were back on the road. I’ve had an update several days later, and all 70 babies survived their traumatic experience and are doing really well.”

These beautiful chicks will now get to live out their full lives in the safety of a sanctuary, but billions more are suffering inside factory farms. Be vegan for them.