ALF Smashes Animal Abuser Jacinta Allan’s Office (Victoria, Australia)

Received anonymously:

With the closing of the duck shooting season occurring early June, the ALF thought Jacinta Allan’s office deserved a closing message after the bloodshed she allowed to take place this year. Having been targeted twice this year already, the third time we came back with heavier equipment. The words “Heartless”, “Gutless” and “Spineless” spray painted on her windows yet again to describe exactly her character, a sledge hammer to her windows and door, as well as super glue to the locks and keypad to her office.

While this action was taken for the ducks slaughtered on the wetlands, not only this year but the many years this poor excuse for a sport has been allowed; we keep in mind the struggles of First Nations people on this land, the colonisation that has impacted them, and continues to impact them. We express our solidarity to all groups facing oppression, especially to the Palestinians fighting an apartheid state, a state that the Australian government and Jacinta Allan continues to fund, and provide weapons for.

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