Last 2 Remaining Bobcat Fur Farms in the United States

The Larry Schultz bobcat farm is possibly the last bobcat fur farm still active in the U.S.

The bobcat pens are 4 feet by 6 feet, with 2 foot by 4 foot nesting boxes, and kept 30 inches off the ground. The cages are constructed of mesh wire. There is a separate barn that is used for weaning bobcat kittens. A second barn is used for food preparation and storage.

The farm is located in rural Montana, after relocating from North Dakota in 2014:
Larry Schultz
5700 Romunstad Rd
Roy, Montana 59471

The other possibly active bobcat farm is that of Shelli Frazier. The farm was visited by the ALF in 2013 and one bobcat was liberated. This farm is also located in rural Montana:
Shelli Frazier
6934 State Highway 200
Plains, MT 59859