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Back in 2022 our team spent much of our efforts targeting a deer farm and the hunting grounds adjacent to it. We cut fences releasing hundreds of deer in three separate occasions, the second time we ensured to pile up feed in corners of the ground away from the fences so that the deer wouldn’t return when the farmer called them in. The third time as well as spreading food we ensured the quad and feed funnel machine the farmer uses to replenish the feeders were very much out of service so that they couldn’t use the sound of feed coming to lure them back in.
In the process we destroyed around 20 hunting towers dotted around in the property. Some would go back up, then they would go down again. This process took over a year on and off, masking up to avoid the multiple trail cameras set up to catch us and being really sure that all we wanted is for those deer to never again be target practise for some rich scumbags.
When the new breeding season started and we did not see any movement, we dropped the campaign and hoped for the best. Early December we headed back to the hunting grounds and it was delightful to see brambles growing over the carcasses of the fallen towers, with not a single hunting seat up. The farm was empty too, with big holes in the fence and completely dried up drinkers and empty feed bins, so we are assuming this deer farm site is no more! We will keep an eye on it every now and them during the next few years, but we do not believe they’ll set their business back.
Keep sabotaging this Christmas. Fight back against speciesism!
12 days of Christmas.