Egg Farm Raided in West Midlands (UK)

Received anonymously:

On the 30th of July, acting on a local’s tip off, we headed to a barn in West Midlands containing the most horrific chicken egg cages we had seen in over a decade.

It seems the owner disagreed with the ban of conventional cages back in 2012 and decided to keep a small flock to himself in the exact same cages outlawed 12 years ago. Some of the cages contained up to 3 chickens, making it impossible for them to move. The corners of the barn were covered in over a foot deep layer of chicken shit and rats climbed up and down the row of cages like it was a playground. Feed rotted on the floor, mixed with an ever dripping water system that didn’t seem to provide water all the way down the line.

We got to work. Luckily the scum only had thirty hens in the barn, so we emptied every single cage, loaded all hens into the carriers and then made sure the cages would never be used again. We cut every door slide, broke the egg catching trays and strategically removed every piece of metal that made the racking even mildly useful. By the end of the job, there were no cages left in the barn, just a pathetic skeleton of what once was standard to millions of egg layers.

We left a few messages on the walls, in case the owner needed any more reinforcement, and disappeared into the night with thirty chickens that will need a lot of love before they can start expressing themselves, but that for the first time will be allowed to open their wings all the way. They’ll be able to sun soak and dust bath as much as they want for the rest of their life, away from exploitation and abuse.

Not your eggs. Fuck your cages. You are scum.

To Marius Mason, still in a cage. We hope hearing the news warms your heart.

Some anarchists.