Vegan Final

Vegan Final Solution (VFS) is the decentralized platform of voices dedicated to advancing revolutionary vegan ideology as well as cultivating a framework of tactics & strategies intended to supplant the diseases of mainstream moderation and ineffectiveness. Our visions took shape in the trenches and behind bars, not in an armchair. Animal Liberation will be achieved when we become the detriment that makes it a liability for the guilty to continue in peace and anonymity. Or when industrial society collapses.

As such, VFS is not a formal group but a disorganization, a worldview, and a weltanschauung to which you can, and should, dedicate your entire life, resources, time and energy. We support an escalation of tactics at every level until all people become vegan, and all vegans become animal and earth liberators.

The history of previous revolutions has taught us that without proper attitudes and outlooks, the self-sacrifice and thankless work of changing, or destroying the existing anthropocentric world order will never occur. Therefore, we promote this revolution of values in tandem with militant intervention on behalf of our animal brothers and sisters.

And while we are not a group, per se, any individuals or groups that are in agreeance and compliance with WHAT WE BELIEVE and WHAT WE ADVOCATE, has the right to consider themselves VFS, independent of our contributors, websites or affiliates.