Shooting Hut Destroyed, Hunter’s Jeep Smashed (Italy)

Received anonymously:

October 2019
Tuscany, Italy.

On a full moon night, we took a walk in the woods; we destroyed a shooting hut. We wanted to continue but it was dawning. On the way back we didn’t miss a Jeep with a big sticker saying: ‘Boar hunting’: we managed to break a glass. To finish, we left a sign ‘MURDERERS’ on the local hunters’ headquarters.
For the freedom of animals living in the woods, for the freedom of all animals.
We dedicate this night to Matthias, who will have a trial in Switzerland on 6/11 for attacking animal killers.
Strength to Matthias! Strength to all the antispeciesist and anarchist prisoners! You hunters are in our sights!