Open Rescue of Piglet (Czech Republic)

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue):

Open rescue XLIII (June 2018) & Support to those in masks

We were here few days ago. We saw a motherfucker in overall screaming ať the sows and we saw that same motherfucker throwing squaling piglet into a friend’s car trunk and his friend leaving with him as fast as he could. We saw sows waiting for their first birth and sows laying in cages with piglets running around. We saw dead little rearing pig being nibbled by others and then we realized that he’s not dead because he raised his head and look at them.

Today we are here once again. The night is cold and muddy. There is a line of buildings in front of us. We’re entering one of them. Old rusty cages and heaving mothers, who humans turn into meat-machines
Heavy air and stench.

I bend down for one of those little piglets. I take him from his mom a tell her that we are taking him to safety.

We leave.

Support to those in masks

Přímé záchrany zvířat mění přítomnost místo snění o možné lepší budoucnosti. Nejsou o abstraktních, ale o konkrétních životech. Drží se skutečných priorit a rozbíjí falešné. Záchrana života je důležitější než majetek, zákon, většinová vůle nebo demokratická volba.

Naše otevřené záchrany nejsou v rozporu a nestojí proti anonymním záchranám. Vzájemně se doplňují.

Because the animals do not care if you wear or not a mask