Bullfight Promoter Hacked by Anonymous, Ticket Buyers Listed (Spain)

Received anonymously:

The ticketstoros.com web site was recently hacked by Anonymous and a
large quantity of personal data belonging to bullfight supporters was
taken. The site is operated by a company called Teyci which is one of
the main promoters of bullfights in Madrid, Spain. The web site is one
of the main methods used by people to purchase tickets for attending
bullfights there.

Teyci states the following on their web site.


Ticketstoros.com guarantees the security and confidentiality of all data
provided to us. The data will not be used for anything beyond what is
necessary to provide information related to the bullfights for which you
have purchased the tickets.’

The truth is that the site was actually very insecure and gaining access
to the customer database was trivial. Customer data was not protected
with any care at all and so all those people who thought they could
support and engage in animal torture with impunity are now known to us.
We know who you are, which bullfight you attended and even how much you
paid for the ticket.

Included below is a small sample of some of the data that was taken from
the large database. All the people who have bought bullfighting tickets
through this company are now being contacted to inform them that they
will face consequences for their actions.

Bullfighting is nothing more than a relic of a savage past and it is
inevitable that it will one day be banned. Until then Anonymous is
committed to holding accountable those who promote or support this
atrocity in any way. Further news of our activities to disrupt this
industry will be made public in the near future.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Expect us.

Samples of data.

Table: login

admin Cesar09

Table: afiliado

Abonos ESP isidroes gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
andalucia espanol andalus03 cesar@ticketstoros.com
banner andalucia spfvtrs003 cesar@ticketstoros.com
beneficencia toro2002 gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
Chiawen chitai01 lichiawen@hotmail.com
codigobarras barras001 cesar@ticketstoros.com
ENG Isidro prueba02 gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
entofucon ingles entofeng cesar@ticketstoros.com
espanol toro204 gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
EuroAdventures.net eurad06 Sean@EuroAdventures.net
facebook stag001 cesar_gonzalez_donaire@hotmail.com
frances adriana02 spanyol575@hotmail.com
GoMadrid go2206 cesar@mastertoro.com
google 2017 prueba01 gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
google semana santa andalus02 cesar@ticketstoros.com
lycos espanol lycosesp gonzalezcesar@ticketstoros.com
malaga malaga01 cesar@ticketstoros.com
Mastertoro Goo16 master99 gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
nano aleman ideas001 pilar@mastertoro.com
Nano chino toro203 pilar@mastertoro.com

Table: comprador

Abad Yvonne Ailene yaabad1@yahoo.com
Abbott John jbabbott007@hotmail.com
adfasdf sdfasfd pauline@jlkjj.com
Alex Ilin gecompunet@web.de
Alexey Iline alexeiiline@yahoo.de
ALJAMA VAZQUEZ PEDRO aljama@olinet.es
Alksnis Mr Uldis mudite@lidojumi.lv
Armstrong Kristy kristylee79@hotmail.com
Asadorian Raffi raffi.asadorian@ch.pwcglobal.com
awad nora danasobhy@yahoo.com
Badiale Nadia carmedsas@virgilio.it
ball albert bally1@onetel.com
Ballantine Petrina petrina.ballantine@woolworths.co.uk
barbara viti bviti@kpmg.it
Bart Verdonck dogdoc@skynet.be
Baselga Jose jose@baselga.com
bee hi aim789@aol.com
Bemis Greg gmbemis@aol.com
Benitez Gregorio gbenitez1@socal.rr.com
BERERA SIMONE sberera@yahoo.it
Bertolotti Angelo andreadeg@fastwebnet.it
Besch Justine justinebesch@yahoo.co.uk
Birch Gary gary.birch259@land.mod.uk
biscuso adriano abiscuso@inwind.it
Blanco José jose.blanco@netcabo.pt
bottanelli ida bottaflava@hotmail.com
Bravo Cuinas Ana erato1981@hotmail.com
Brawner Matt matt.brawner@mindspring.com
Brewer Laurel Willbrewer@gmail.com
brignone franco brignone.re@tiscali.it
Brown Jackie apple@yahoo.com
Bryantsev Grigoriy gbryants@msn.com
Bulnes Valdés Carolina cybulnes@gmail.com
Burchell Jamie jamie@jetplanelanding.com
c v regigio@libero.it
Campbell Andrew campbella35@hotmail.com
Capriolo Nicola info@hostallafuente.com
Cervellieri Maurizio cerve@freesurf.ch
cesar cesarcesar gonzalezcesar@hotmail.com
Chaddha Pooja poojachaddha@hotmail.com
Chaim Joseph Podrobinok igoreshamd@yahoo.com
Chin Brendon brendonchin@hotmail.com
Christon Chris chrischriston@hotmail.com
Christoph Buerki christoph.buerki@csam.com
christophe milliet christophe.milliet@acces.fr
Cline Ian iancline@mac.com
Cohen Richard richard@ri-co.freeserve.co.uk
compton-griffith nicolas nick_godog@yahoo.com
conde sanchez francisco pacondesan@yahoo.es
cook jennifer jennistar21@yahoo.com
Cooke Marissa marissa@hoodlum.com.au
Copeland Rachel rachelecopeland@hotmail.com
cordoba cathleen cathleen_cordoba@yahoo.com
cordoba cathleen cathleen_cordoba@avid.com
Cormie Chris chris.cormie@heery.co.uk
Couture Daniel couture.daniel@videotron.ca
Crimmins Cleo lacoupole@cox.net
Crowe-Draexler Sheila crowe-draexler@ya.com
Crowley Shirvalen scrowley1@mn.rr.com
Cuadrado Arderius Antonio soniantonio@yahoo.es
Dam Dennis dennis_dam@hotmail.com
Davidson John johnnyddavidson@yahoo.com.au
Davison ERic HuskerEDKC@aol.com
dddddddddd qq d@sjsjjs.com
Di Berardino Claudio claudiodi@iol.it
Diaz Castro Jose Luis josediiaz@hotmail.com
DIAZ GAONA ANTONIA MARÍA aspro_milagrosa@hotmail.com
Do Tuan stevedo@cypressco.net
Dominguez Guillermo Ventura venturg@cc.wwu.edu
Dominguez Vegas Juan Antonio juan-antonio.dominguez@vodafone.com
Dr. Reimer Hans-Hermann hhr@reimer-goettingen.de
Dunnion David david.dunnion@mdc.ie
Ebihara Rie lob@sakura.email.ne.jp
Ebihara Junko info@miuraclub.com
emanuela flesia emanuela.flesia@virgilio.it
Enviya Edmon lge74@comcast.net
Estrada George A. georgea.estrada@gmail.com
Euler Marques cleide@comrio.com.br
Fast Barbara Fast barbfast@earthlink.net
Feneley Rick and Donna rfeneley@bigpond.net.au
Feoli Allan afeoli@icc.com
Ferenc Dr.Solti soltiszabo@w-nets.hu
Fernandez Caula luis luiscaula@yahoo.es
fernandez dominguez carolina vicky_magi@hotmail.com
fewtrell christopher chrisfewtrell@hotmail.com
Flytstrom Robert rob.fly@mbox325.swipnet.se
Frankie Nobels frank.nobels@scarlet.be
Friedman Michele MAFDesign@hotmail.com
Furlong Richard rich_furlong69@hotmail.com
Fuszek Zoltan rebeka.monori@nokia.com
Gallagher Brendan James nitromako@yahoo.com.au
garcia fernandez victor belengarciacapilla@ozu.es
GARCIA MARTIN JOSE ENRIQUE cosario7@hotmail.com
garcia salcedo francisco sammi4a@hotmail.com
gfgfd gfg gfd@fds.es
Giam Louise louise@mit.edu
gigi pino pinogigi@yahoo.com
Gill Leonard Leonard.gill@merseyside.police.uk
gnocchi veronica gnocchi@veronicagnocchi.191.it
Goldenberg Simon simong@comcast.net
goldman fruma goldman fiig2000@hotmail.com
Gonzalez Mariano A mariano979@hotmail.com
gonzalez ruiz maria jesus azaharbl@hotmail.com
GOTO KINUYO kinuyo510@apost.plala.or.jp
Guignabodet Jean lguignabodet@club-internet.fr
Hall Guy guy.hall@gmail.com
Han Seonho shhan@donga.co.kr
HARIKRISHNAN DR KRISHNA KUMAR drhkrishna@yahoo.co.uk
Healy Paul cathleen_cordoba@avid.com
Helen Beck freiplanetarium@gmx.de
Herbert Tiffany tiffany.herbert@ge.com
Herward Rehbein herwardrehbein@aol.com
hfchd ngch hch@terra.es
hillfiger tommy tommy@hillfger.no
Hitzler Philipp BuchAntiquariat.Dr.Hitzler@web.de
hjbin kjnkj hgndi@iuh.com
HO KWONG HEI simon2europe@yahoo.com
HODGINS JOHN jhodgins@legalaid.qld.gov.au
Hojnacki Sean che4sale@hotmail.com
Holloway John Mark whereisjohnno@yahoo.com.au
Holmes John holmes-john@lycos.co.uk
Hornblow John judyterry@comcast.net
Hughes Darren darren_hughes@fwc.com
Huhtiniemi Risto risto.huhtiniemi@euromood.inet.fi
Hurrell Sophie sophiehurrell@hotmail.com
ibsen michael s_n_ibsen@yahoo.dk
Inoue Tim timinoue@hotmail.com
Jenner Ranjna thejenners1@aol.com
Jensen Johnny joje77@hotmail.com
jguytg mjnb kjhiuyiuy jhguytg@uhiutghr
Jigami Akira jigami@sumitomotrust.co.jp
Jones Darrell darrell@guyandersonwines.co.uk
Kaic Petra antonio_hr@yahoo.com
Kalish Scott kisco18@aol.com
Katrin Freiheit Katrin.Freiheit@t-online.de
Katz Frank a_bigger_brain@yahoo.com
kenny gerard gerardkenny999@hotmail.com
Koepsell Donald koepsell@swbell.net
Krok Michael michaelkrok@hotmail.com
Lau Kin Ho 50271232@student.cityu.edu.hk
Lee Rawdon rawdonl@hotmail.com
Leonard Alexander leonard2781@aol.com
Levin Ed eleven123@aol.com
Levitt Kevin kevinlevitt@hotmail.com
lilti flo flilti@hotmail.com
Linfield Caroline cazzi1984@hotmail.com
lo bello giuseppe lobellogi@tiscali.it
lopez mata jesus manuel j.lopez@grupoeninver.com
Louw Johannes gerhard.louw@t-systems.es
Lowe James James.lowe@datacore.com
lozano cobos rafael rlozano_malaga@hotmail.com
lucas adam megan.vosti@riotinto.com
MacFife Rebecca pigzzflyy@yahoo.com
machuca garcia fracisco mariajoserc_4@hotmail.com
MACIAS YSIDRO chipina@aol.com
Mahoney William Mahoney bill.mahoney@bwater.com
Mancuso Karine karine.mancuso@umontreal.ca
Marciniak Steve smarciniak7@yahoo.com
Marfat Eric ericmarfat@hotmail.com
Martinez Fortes Eliseo eliseomf@hotmail.com
Martynova Malvina m.martynova@stroyburg.ru
masroor syed masroor@netapp.com
Matthews Michael Keylinkinfo@aol.com
mattocci roberto matrob@libero.it
Maurice Leenders relirit3@zonnet.nl
McDonald Arthur mcdonald@owl.phy.queensu.ca
mcfarlane john m0100788@sgul.ac.uk
med stern wessa42@aol.com
Mercer Ian ian.mercer@chavassechambers.co.uk
Messinger Robert alaron00@gmail.com
Michel Joseph Marie Dings miesniek@gmail.com
MILBURN ANDREW amilburn@msgl.com
Mitten Nigel mittenfamily@hotmail.com
Möller-Petersen Magnus mpo@webspeed.dk
Montesa López Sergio montesa@posta.unizar.es
Moravek George moravek@optonline.net
MORGAN TONY tonytore@btopenworld.com
Morrow Mary empressofall@hotmail.com
moumene karim thekingofthearabs@msn.com
mr george druist sdruist@verizon.net
Mr. Ron Joyn blahblah@yahoo.com
munoz jimenez antonio corredor888@hotmail.com
munoz mariscal blanca verdite80@hotmail.com
NAGANUMA KAZUNORI ngnm@aecl.ntt.co.jp
Nassif Jeff jeffnassif@hotmail.com
NGU DI HSIEN deanngu@sis.com
Nichols David nichols.david@gmail.com
Nidzamuddin Md. Yusof nidmyi82@yahoo.com
Nielsen Kristine kristinelykken@yahoo.dk
Nielsen Lars ljn@webspeed.dk
Nosov Svetlana s_nosov@hotmail.com
Nova Kristie knova@lancergroup.net
ornelas victoriano ornelasvh@hotmail.com
Ortiz de Guzmán Armentia Inigo inigoortiz@hotmail.com
osterhout shannon apachegrey@yahoo.com
Ostos Nancy n.ostos@worldnet.att.net
Packard Julie thepackards@tds.net
Pape Dennis dpape@att.net
Pascal Amos Rest pascalamos@web.de
Payne Robin robin.payne@morganstanley.com
Pedersen Kristoffer krisped@hotmail.com
Pembrey Adam apembrey@gotadsl.co.uk
Pfaff William bill08739@aol.com
piniella eduardo epiniella@hotmail.com
Plasmati Denise andreadeg@fastwebnet.it
Pleskovsky Mark pleskovskym@hotmail.com
Pluto Pippo pippo@yahoo.es
Pocock Rebecca R.L.Pocock@ex.ac.uk
Polito Joseph jrp@atlanticbb.net
Pollen Tim tim.pollen@dilloneustace.ie
polo marco polo12@hotmail.com
portero cordero dolores loliaugusto@tele2.es
Power Lucy lucy.power@virgin.net
Pownall Charles charliepownall@hotmail.com
punwani kamal kamalpunwani@gmail.com
r r rienarari@yahoo.co.jp
Ragula vitaut ragula kanrags@austin.rr.com
Ramakrishnan Punitha punitha.ramakrishnan@surreycc.gov.uk
RAMOS HOYOS OLGA olgaramos67@hotmail.com
Ravindran Ramya nairramya@yahoo.com
Reef Barbara Reef BarbReef@aol.com
Rego Barros Raimundo Alvaro regob@uol.com.br
Reid Andrew andrew.reid@multex.com
Reis Marcos marcosreis@br.inter.net
renzo granzotto renzogranzotto@aliceposta.it
Reyes Randy randyreyes@safirefighters.com
Ribeiro Farley Farley416@hotmail.com
rios jimena daniel antonio erni1973drj@yahoo.es
Robert Minge robmin@web.de
Robles James Steve sandi@phonepro
romero holgado jesus ultra_sur_15@hotmail.com
Rudolph Natalie rudolph@lkt.uni-erlangen
Ruiz Armillas Jose kintantijose@hotmail.com
sanchez salcedo alvaro bargas@pescadospica.com
sanchez samitier juan antonio juan antonio@ daniel.com
Santos Candida candida422@yahoo.com
Schaefer Kristin kschaef@gmail.com
Schneider Josh jschneid@cbblondon.co.uk
Schrom David davidschrom@yahoo.com
Seery Padraig padraig_seery@yahoo.ie
sekmen burak bsekmen@yahoo.com
Sell Tyson god_oin19@hotmail.com
Shakir Taizoon taizdhaj@aol.com
Shipway Todd toddms21@hotmail.com
Simkins Joel jsimkins@slatercapital.com
Smith Jackie apple123@yahoo.com
Smith Alexander mrfunkstar@aol.com
Smith Thomas tomns111@aol.com
Smurthwaite John Davidson intan.suriya@my.tnsofres.com
Soerensen Harald harald.soerensen@mail.dk
Soleimani Elana Solsays@hotmail.com
Sotomayor Cortes Javier javimayor3@hotmail.com
Stefan Haerdi haerdi-art@web.de
Stefan Horatiu hstefan@dc.com
Stefanie Olson sno_white7@hotmail.com
steirn clive carole@travelonq.com.au
Steirn Marilyn carole@travelonq.com.au
stone charlotte candida422@yahoo.com
Sue Gregory gsue@cisco.com
Tagliavini ersilia etagiavini@muzinich.com
taillefer perez eugenio mirentxu100@hotmail.com
Takeshima Osami oxt1@yahoo.com
Tam Stephanie stephtam_@hotmail.com
Tan Alan atan81@hotmail.com
Tang Alice alicetang479@yahoo.com
Tessier Christine christine.tessier@mercer.com
Thomas Juergen juergen.thomas@plural.de
Titford John j.titford@zen.co.uk
Toniatti David davetoniatti@hotmail.com
Topp Peter topppeter@hotmail.com
trujillo manuel man272001@sbcglobal.net
Turnbaugh Peter kturnbaugh@aol.com
valverde antonio valv@icon.co.za
van der Griendt Hans int1301@xs4all.nl
Veness Alexandro alex@banksider.demon.co.uk
VILCHEZ CABELLO JOSEFA ISABEL jvilches@malaga.map.es
VILCHEZ CABELLO JOSEFA ISABEL josefaisabel.vilchez@map.es
Vinger Johanssen Audun vinger@nattogdag.no
vittrup christian cvi19@tiscali.dk
vivar moreno francisco loravivar@hotamil.com
Vosloo Ockert karenvosloo@telkomsa.net
Wang James wangh@coned.com
Weigand David DavidWeigand@sbcglobal.net
Williams James jdub1028@hotmail.com
Williams Timothy twilliams98@hotmail.com
wolfgang loth kroko016@aol.com
wong helen helen@helen.com
Wood Hugh hswood1@aol.com
Yelena Vinetsky yelena_vi@hotmail.com
Zamora Ellen ahollero@sbcglobal.net
Zegarra Juan Pablo yaabad1@yahoo.com
zorzi daniela daniela.zorzi@cottodeste.it
Zurita Cortés Francisco theutza_j@yahoo.com

etc etc….