More Rabbits Liberated in Uruguay

Received anonymously (translation by Earth First! Journal):

Uruguay_rabbits_Aug16In the early hours of Tuesday, August 9, 11 bunnies from the Solymar Norte farm were liberated; unfortunately not all of the rabbits there were able to be transferred, but 11 of them are now far from this center of exploitation.
In Uruguay, it’s totally normal to breed rabbits to sell their fur and meat. The Uruguayan Society of Rabbit Breeders, presided over by Lucas Santamaria, is the space where the exploiters gather.

No animal is a commercial good; we are not commercial goods; against all forms of exploitation; fire to capital!! Freedom is not to be negotiated with politicians, nor exploiters–it is to be conquered!

“En la madrugada del martes 9 de agosto fueron liberados 11 conejos de un criadero de Solymar Norte, lamentablemente no todos los conejos que habia en el lugar pudieron ser trasladados, pero los 11 ya se encuentran lejos del centro de explotación.
En Uruguay es totalmente normal la cria de conejos para comercializar su piel y su carne. La Sociedad Uruguaya de Criadores de Conejos, presidida por Lucas Santamaria es el espacio donde se reunen los explotadores.

Ningun animal es mercancia, no somos mercancia, contra toda forma de explotación, fuego al capital!!
La libertad no se negocia con politicos ni explotadores, se conquista!!!”