Personal Accountability (Anonymous)


There are only two ways to help animals — either liberate the victims, or stop their abusers. Period. Between those two poles, there is a spectrum of industry nonsense that serves to provide activists with a social outlet or, far more insidious, garner donations and accolades for those complicit in the holocaust. Our industry. Not that of the abusers.

Welfarists are a plague. Despite their fancy words and behind their spectacles, are those who serve the sole function of promoting the abusers’ agenda. They not only promote this outrageous and delusional concept that holocaust victims are somehow protected by welfare regulations, they make themselves rich at the same time. And, if this isn’t bad enough, well-meaning activists enter this movement honestly wanting to help animals and looking for direction. Their good intentions are co-opted and perverted by the welfarist culture in America that dominates our alleged movement.  Welfarists walk over the corpses of animals hand-in-hand with agri-abusers and vivisectors.

We need to understand that the entire realm of industrial animal slavery rests on the propaganda that allows the rest of the world to partake in the brutal wonton torture and desecration of sentient and intelligent beings while still feeling good about themselves. They graze on the cadavers of the tormented, they pop their animal-tested pills, they walk around in the latest fashions ripped from the bloody backs of caged slaves. This is the reality. And we need to do everything in our power to wrest our culture away from the complicit and place our power in the hands of activists who possess the courage of their convictions.

So how do we stop a socially-entrenched, financially-motivated, legally-protected holocaust? This is not rocket science. It’s simple. We go out there and we hold individuals accountable for their actions! If you torture animals from 9-5, then we need to know who you are, where you live, where you worship your false god, and we need you to worry about where we are and what we’re doing when the sun goes down. It is getting more and more difficult to gain entrance to labs and factory farms. But it is getting easier and easier to identify who owns the cobwebbed-souls that entomb nonhuman victims.

Every life matters Whether it’s a victim that we rescue, or an abuser that we stop! In between, no one should be concerned about waving signs at passing traffic, wearing designer t-shirts and vegan gear that identify us as “activists,” creating social media personalities, or attending week-long parties under the guise of “conferences.” The animals remain unimpressed with all of our posturing and so do I.

In fact, I’m sickened by it.

Sadly, history demonstrates that the animals are not only betrayed and exploited by the welfarists, but activists are repeatedly jailed by their formerly-trusted allies — husbands, uncles, brothers, mentors, and friends. At that moment in time, the warrior and the coward are defined. But the fallout will take years and the only beneficiaries of the treachery are the animals. A warrior is not deterred and does not apologize. And it is we who need to take control of this movement, provide structure, guidance, and set an example for those who will come after us.

There is absolutely nothing in the world to fear when we know who we are and for what we stand. And the animals need us to empower ourselves if we are to effectively liberate them.

I don’t want to lose another new activist to the perversion of the mainstream Animal Liberation Movement that is built on blood and hypocrisy.

The animals cannot afford to have one more single activist intercepted, corrupted, moderated and neutered into utter impotence.

Let’s let the actual animals we’ve liberated be our trophies, rather than our ridiculous cyber photo albums and videos. Let’s let the actual abusers we force to close up shop be our private cherished victories.

This all comes down to personal accountability. And most will never have the gumption to stand up to true threats — violence, prison, intimidation. But this is a good thing because it applies equally to abusers as to hypocrites. Those who torture animals hide in the dark. They fear publicity once their propaganda is stripped from them. They know that the world is horrified and disgusted once their ghoulish faces are effectively exposed. That’s when the security cameras are installed and the security goons hired to protect their degenerate countenances.

While the system cranks away and profits from our distractions, it is individuals who are personally responsible. And their reaction to us is an expression of weakness, cowardice, and fear.

The time to escalate our actions is upon us.

The decision to do so is yours.