For Immediate Release
July 9, 2015
Second Massive Mink Release in Two Months in Ontario (Canada)
6800 Animals Liberated in Addition to 1800 Last Month; Area Abusers Are “Rattled”

Rancher Kurt Rankin is quoted as saying other animal abusers from the seven nearby fur farms are “wound up”, because they “like” the animals, animals they will soon kill and relieve of their skins. What he undoubtedly means to say is that economic damages from the dual raids will be costly, and make the continued business of animal exploitation unprofitable for him and his fellow animal abusers. Every single animal that does not escape will be killed when most profitable for their captors, so the misguided logic that activists are hurting the animals by releasing them is fatuous. Numerous scientific studies utilizing mink with radio tagging have demonstrated the animals are able to survive in the wild without difficulty.
No one has been charged with either break-in, nor are they statistically likely to be, despite the offer of a $75,000 reward made last month. Fur farm liberations have occurred dozens of time over the last thirty years in the US and Canada, and few people have ever been convicted or jailed.
Imprisoned in cages for life, or mercilessly trapped with painful leghold traps in the wild, fur-bearing animals killed to make unnecessary fashion statements are forced to endure intensive confinement, compared to the miles of territory these still-wild animals would enjoy in their natural state. The natural instincts of these captive animals are completely frustrated; self-mutilation, sickness, infection, poor sanitation and the sheer stress of confinement lead animals in captivity to premature death. When they do survive, animals of sufficient size are killed by anal electrocution or gassing, then skinned. In addition to liberating the wild animals destined for a certain, painful and agonizing death, another goal of liberationists is to cause economic damage to fur retailers and farms; dozens of stores and fur farming operations have seen economic ruin since “Operation Bite Back” began by the Animal Liberation Front in the 1990s.
Those concerned with the truth should not be misled by claims of those with economic interests, for instance ridiculous stories that the animals released are domesticated and unable to survive in the wild, or that the animals voluntarily returned to their cages, or that they froze to death or starved within hours, or were immediately run over by automobiles or eaten by household pets.
The Animal Liberation Front and other anonymous activists utilize economic sabotage in addition to the direct liberation of animals from conditions of abuse and imprisonment to halt needless animal suffering. By making it more expensive to trade in the lives of innocent, sentient beings, they maintain the atrocities against our brothers and sisters are likely to occur in smaller numbers; their goal is to abolish the exploitation, imprisonment, torture and killing of innocent, non-human animals. A copy of the Final Nail, a listing of known fur farms in North America, is available from the Press Office website at