Posted by Negotiation Is Over
Brian Vaillancourt M42889
3820 East Main Street
Danville, IL 61834
Earlier today, Brian was moved from Stateville to Danville Correction Center in Illinois. Because he was unable to retain competent counsel, he accepted a plea deal on February 3, 2014, was convicted of aggravated arson, and was sentenced to 9 years. Brian was looking at going away for 30 years if convicted at trial. He had already served a full year in Cook County Jail and is now scheduled to complete the balance of his sentence at Danville.
A legal fund has been established that will allow Brian to hire an attorney to appeal his sentence. Please visit this support page HERE. All contributions are greatly appreciated.
Brian was arrested on February 9, 2013 in Chicago for allegedly trying “to burn down a slaughterhouse known as McDonalds.” He is also the third activist charged with intimidating a notorious University of Florida vivisector.
If we support our warriors on the frontline of the Animal Liberation Movement and celebrate their actions, then we must embrace them even more when they fall into the hands of the state. Please write to Brian today. Let him know his community is behind him and that we have not forgotten him.
Prisoners look forward to mail and depend upon support from the outside to allow them to buy basic necessities and vegan food from commissary. If you can make a donation to help Brian, please click the link above.
To make a donation through JPay or Western,
please click HERE and type “Vaillancourt” in the search box. It will allow you to access Brian’s info.