Complete Guide to Destroying the Fur Industry” contains fur farm list, how-to guide on raiding fur farms
The Animal Liberation Front is announcing the release of The Final Nail #4. Every time a new edition of The Final Nail is released, it is followed by a wave of fur farm raids. In the 6 months after the release of The Final Nail #1, there were 16 fur farm raids. Prior to its release, there had been only 5 in US history. In the three months after the publication of The Final Nail #3 in 2008, there were three raids of fur farms whose addresses had first been made public in its pages.
were posted on download sites online.
- State-by-state directory of mink, fox, and bobcat farms
- A guide to security on fur farms
- How to avoid getting caught
- Fur farm photos
- A recent history of fur farm raids
- A “most wanted” list of important targets
- An analysis of weak links in the US fur industry
With the information contained in The Final Nail, two people with a car and $20 in tools can rescue thousands of animals in one hour.
The Final Nail #4 can be reviewed at the following links: