Three Animal Abuse Companies Targeted by ALF Canada

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front
Date: October 10, 2010
Institution Targeted: Furriers, Seafood Shop

Received anonymously:

On Saturday October 10 2010,  we visted the locations of 3 companies who directly profit off of animal abuse.

Caplilano Furs in North Vancouver BC  is run out of a home in North Van.  We covered their entire doorstep and one of their cars with black paint and slashed the tires.

We then went to Sun Sui Wah Restaurant,   one of the largest LIVE seafood restaurants in Vancouver.  We chained their doors shut with heavy duty chains and padlocks, and painted on their walls SAVE OUR OCEANS and STOP SELLING SHARK FIN SOUP.

After that we went to Max Mara where we covered their front window with red paint and shattered their front door.  STOP SELLING FUR!


ALF  Canada