Vandalismo Vegano Targets Federal Property

Communiqué from Vandalismo Vegano
Date: June 22, 2009
Institution Targeted: Meat Consumers

Received anonymously:

We risked being arrested for vandalism against federal property; one of us watched in case the police arrived while the other painted a piece of urban art on a federal expressway during the warm evening of June 16.

We have done this action of propaganda for animal liberation through graffiti with the intention of adding ourselves to the call for illegal actions against companies and the state, the underhanded destroyer of the planet.

Being vegan is not just a diet, it is a war!

Vandalismo Vegano (VV)

Nos arriesgamos a ser detenidos y a ser acusados de vandalismo a propiedad federal, mientras uno vigilaba por si llegaba la policía otro pintaba arte urbano dentro de una autopista federal semiprivada en una noche cálida del 16 de junio.

Esta acción de propaganda para la liberación animal por medio de grafiti la hacemos con la intención de sumarnos a la convocatoria de actos ilegales contra las empresas y el estado solapador de la destrucción planetaria.

¡Ser vegan no es solo una dieta es una guerra!

Vandalismo Vegano (VV)