ALF Liberate Rabbit

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front
Date: March 20, 2009
Institution Targeted: Unnamed Rabbit Breeder

Received anonymously:

More images here.

On the night of March 6th into the morning of March 7th, 2009 an ALF cell carried out an attack against a rabbit breeder in Hematite, Missouri. We freed one Female Rabbit as our actions were interrupted by the family dog. We would like to thank the target for making it so easy to liberate these cute, wonderful, innocent animals. We didn’t even need to use our bolt cutters to open the cages. We did free their only female rabbit though we know it may not have stopped their slave trade, it serves as a warning that we WILL be back for the rest. We will not stand by and watch as you rape innocent animals for your profit.

Included in the pictures is two of the rabbit, one of its first steps to freedom, and the wonderful sunrise a few hours afterwards.

Also that night we tore down a dairy farm fence to cause economic and labor pains for the slave owner of the farm. We also took a trip to Potosi, Missouri to investigate a suspicious establishment which we received word of animal research being practiced. We did not find anything due to high security but trust us… We will be back.

No animal will go unnoticed.

Animal Liberation! Long Live the A.L.F.!!!!