F.L.A.M.A Further Paint the Public Ministry of the Judicial Police

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front
Date: March 7, 2009
Institution Targeted: Mexican Police

Received anonymously:

On the evening of March 6 the Animal Liberation Front-México Anti-speciesist returned for the second time to the Public Ministry of the Judicial Police and painted in protest: ‘The fire was not an accident!’ and ‘F.L.A.M.A..’ Then, a few meters ahead in a health center belonging to the torturing government of Mexico State, while police were distracted, we painted on one of its white walls, ‘Fire to the police for the massacre of defenseless animals on the 23rd!’

We return to Jaltenco to continue the war!


La noche del 6 de Marzo el Frente de Liberación Animal-México Anti-especista regreso por segunda vez al Ministerio Publico de la policía Judicial y realizo una pinta reivindicatoria que decía: ‘¡El Fuego no fue accidente!’ y ‘F.L.A.M.A’. Después, unos metros más adelante en un centro de salud perteneciente al torturador gobierno del Estado de México, mientras policías estaban distraídos, hemos pintado en una de sus paredes blancas: ‘¡Fuego a la policía por la masacre del 23 contra animales indefensos!’

¡Regresaremos a Jaltenco a continuar la guerra!


*On February 23 in Jaltenco (Mexico State), a group of masked men broke into the property of a man who had provided temporary shelter to street dogs and cats and brutally killed many dogs and cats with machetes and pipes. The local police did nothing to stop the killing and instead prevented people from helping.