Unnamed Activists Riot During Bullfighting Protest

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists
Date: February 7, 2009
Institution Targeted: Bullfighting

Received anonymously

During the demonstration on February 5 (the date on which the bullfighters celebrate the anniversary of the largest bullring in Mexico) various direct action groups demonstrated that the radical movement for total liberation is growing day by day.

The riots began when police attempted to arrest one of the activists; after getting away from the police ring, the walls of the arena were stained with red, black, green and other colors of paint thrown in glass bottles; the windshields of bullfighter’s cars were smashed by stones and sticks; ‘Shitty speciesists!’ was painted on one of the arena’s great walls; the walls of the square shook with the roar of a large homemade bomb, excrement was hurled at a barbecue that was being held by animal torture sympathizers; one of those anthrocentric bastards was physically attacked; there was a small clash between activists and the repressive police force; much later in the bullfighting museum their ‘beautiful’ decorations were attacked, smelly rotten fruit was thrown into the building and stones were thrown at one of the imbeciles dominating the earth and its inhabitants.

At the conclusion of the demonstration, 13 activists had been arrested and deprived of their liberty, so it is because of this that in this communique we express our full solidarity and support.

Freedom to people arrested for animal liberation!

Fire to the police, the bullrings and the prisons, along with their jailers!

Durante la manifestación del 5 de febrero (la fecha en la que lxs taurinxs celebran el aniversario de la plaza de toros más grande de México) diferentes grupos de acción directa demostramos que el movimiento radical por la liberación total va creciendo día con día.

Los disturbios empezaron cuando la policía intento detener a uno de lxs activistas, después de zafarlo del cerco policial, las paredes de la plaza de toros se manchaba de pintura roja, negra, verde y de diversos colores lanzada desde botellas de vidrio; los parabrisas de los autos de lxs taurinxs eran destrozados por piedras y palos; una pinta de ¡Especistas de mierda! cubrió una de sus grandes paredes; los muros de la plaza se sacudían con el gran estruendo de una bomba casera; se arrojaba excremento a una parrillada que se llevaba a cabo por lxs simpatizantes de la tortura animal; se agredía físicamente a unx de estxs bastardxs antrocentristas; hubo un pequeño enfrentamiento entre lxs activistas y el cuerpo represivo policial; mas adelante en el museo de la tauromaquia se atacaron sus “bonitos” adornos, se arrojo fruta podrida maloliente hacia dentro del recinto y se apedreo a unxs de estxs imbéciles dominadorxs de la tierra y sus habitantes.

Al concluir la manifestación el saldo de detenidos fue de 13 activistas privados de su libertad, por lo cual desde este comunicado expresamos nuestra más completa solidaridad y apoyo.

¡Libertad a las personas detenidas por la liberación animal!

¡Fuego a la policía, a las plazas de toros y a las cárceles, junto a sus carcelerxs!