5 Rabbits Liberated

Communiqué from Animal Liberation Front Activists
Date: November 19, 2008
Institution Targeted: Unnamed Pet Shop

Received anonymously

5 rabbits released in Mexico City (D.F.)

While many people were in the bars, in cantinas, in the night clubs during this ‘fiesta’, spending large sums of money, killing in an irresponsible and illusory way the stress that work imposes on you, that living in big cities, wasting energies on your own destruction, we went to another fiesta, the fiesta of freedom, a celebration of animal liberation.

During the afternoon of Friday, November 14, we rescued (and subsequently released) 5 rabbits from the captivity to which they had been subjected,
held in a tiny cage where they could not run, much less jump,
put up for sale in a precarious and dirty ‘Pet’ shop in the east of the city.
Their lives and their freedom until that moment were not respected in the least,
because they were taken as a product of consumerism and human anthropocentrism.

This situation changed dramatically and now they live, they eat, they run and they jump free, carrying out their rabbit lives with no one to look at them like a toy or a product.

Whoever thinks the Frente de Liberación Animal in Mexico does not exist … are very wrong.

Anyone who thinks that animal liberation in Mexico is impossible …
is very far from understanding the current reality.

F.L.A. … a real alternative for the animals.


5 conejos liberados en México d.f.

Mientras mucha gente esta de “fiesta”, en los bares, en las cantinas, en
discotecas, gastando las grandes cantidades de dinero, matando de una
manera irresponsable e ilusoria el estrés que te impone el trabajo, el
vivir en las grandes ciudades, malgastando energías en su propia auto
destrucción, nosotrxs fuimos a otra fiesta, la fiesta de la libertad, la
celebración de la liberación animal.

Durante la tarde del pasado viernes 14 de noviembre, rescatamos
( y posteriormente liberamos) 5 conejos del cautiverio al que estaban
sometidos, asinados en una diminuta jaula donde no podían correr y mucho
menos saltar, puestos a la venta en una precaria y sucia tienda de
“mascotas”, del oriente de la ciudad. Sus vidas y su libertad hasta ese
momento no eran respetadas en lo mas mínimo, pues eran tomados como un
producto mas del consumismo y el antropocentrismo humano.

Esta situación cambio radicalmente y ahora viven, comen, corren y saltan
libres, llevando sus vidas de conejo sin nadie quien les mire mas como un
juguete o un producto.

Quien piensa que el frente de liberación animal en México no existe.esta
muy equibocadx.

Quien piensa que la liberación animal en México es imposible. esta muy
lejos de entender la realidad actual.

F.L.A….una alternativa real para los animales.