37 TelMex Phones Sabotaged

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: November 2, 2008
Institution targeted: Bullfighting Supporter TelMex

Received anonymously

During four days last week 37 telephone receivers of public telephones belonging to the ‘telmex’ phone company in Mexico City were cut (with the help of bolt cutters and wire cutters), leaving the phones unusable.
Telmex, in addition to being responsible for the destruction of the planet, also financially supports, directly and with advertising, sadistic bullfights.
The sabotage continues … it will not stop …

arm your desires … do not let the moment pass …

until the exploitation ends.

eco-anarchist cell for direct attack.

mexico city 31 october 2008

Durante cuatro dias de la semana pasada se cortaron (con ayuda de
cizallas y pinzas) 37 vocinas de telefonos publicos
pertenecientes a la compañia de telefonos ‘telmex’, en mexico d.f.,
dejando inutilizables los telefonos.
Telmex a demas de ser uno de los responsables de la destruccion
del planeta
tambien apoya de manera directa economicamente y con publicidad las
sadicas corridas de toros.
Los sabotages continuan… no cesaran…

arma tus deseos… no dejes pasar la ocacion…

hasta acavar con la explotacion.

celula eco-anarquista por el ataque directo.

mexico d.f. 31/octubre/2008