Breeder of Fighting Cocks Has Windows Hit with Acid

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: October 4, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexico, Fighting Cock Breeder

Received anonymously

On the night of October 3, the Mexican A.L.F. again visited the home of a breeder of fighting cocks; if this bastard thinks that having a window open at his house will stop us, he is wrong. Windows at his property were damaged with hydrofluoric acid; in some of them was etched the slogan of the ALF.

Do not think that we are going to stop, because this will never stop!

FLA México

La noche del 3 de Octubre, el F.L.A mexicano visito de nueva cuenta la casa de un criador de gallos de pelea, este bastardo piensa que con tener la ventana abierta de su casa nosotrxs no podemos hacer cosas, pues se equivoco; las ventanas de su propiedad quedaron estropeadas con acido fluorhídrico y en alguna de ellas quedo plasmada la consigna del ALF.

¡Ni piensen que nos vamos a detener, pues esto ya no cesara!

FLA México