Multiple Meat Markets Attacked

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: September 10, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexico, Meat Markets

Received anonymously

On September 6 the Frente de Liberación Animal took to the streets again to demonstrate that attacks against businesses that profit from the suffering of animals will not stop. This time different meat markets were damaged; at one the awning was stoned, at another the spotlights that had illuminated it were expropriated, at others they snatched and tore up advertisements, the entrance of another was blocked with plenty of garbage and dry grass.

We know that these are small things, but for us they are important and big.

Onward, against speciesism!

FLA México

El pasado 6 de septiembre el Frente de Liberación Animal salió a las calles otra vez a demostrar que los ataques en contra de los negocios que se lucran con el sufrimiento de animales no pararan, esta vez distintas carnicerías recibieron desperfectos en sus propiedades, a una se la apedreo la cortina con tabiques gruesos, a otra se le expropiaron los focos que la iluminaban, a otras se le arrancaron y se le rompieron las publicidades, otra su entrada quedo obstaculizada con bastante basura y pasto seco.

Sabemos que las cosas que hicimos son pequeñas, pero para nosotrxs importan y mucho.

¡Adelante, contra el especismo!

FLA México