10 Meat Markets Glued in Mexico

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: August 20, 2008
Institution targeted: Meat Markets

Received anonymously

August 19

On the cloudy and cold night of the day indictated, the FLA took to the streets of México State once again to prove that individual, radical actions are more effective than the rest of the carnivalesque and pacifist performances, because this time 10 meat markets were left sealed with quite a lot of glue by ALF activists.

We will not wait for these businesses to close with banners, shouts and propaganda; we will close them ourselves.


19 de Agosto:

La noche nublada y fría de la fecha indicada, el FLA salió a las calles del estado de México de nueva cuenta a demostrar que los actos individuales y radicales son mas efectivos que demás actuaciones carnavalescas y pacifistas, pues esta vez 10 carnicerías quedaron selladas con bastante pegamento derramado por lxs activistas del ALF.

No esperaremos a que estos negocios cierren con pancartas, gritos y propaganda, y los cerraremos nosotrxs.