Windows Smashed at Restaurant

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: April 21, 2008
Institution targeted: Restaurant

Received anonymously

April 21:
At daybreak of the date indicated activists from the Frente de Liberación Animal broke the windows of a restaurant that sells large numbers of dead animals and houses them in such an establishment, sabotaged the kitchen, and all the instruments of genocide that they had in place were made unusable, enabling them to see that the FLA goes beyond the protests of Mexican environmental groups established by passive people.

War on speciesist governments
FLA México

21 de abril:
La madrugada de la fecha indicada activistas del Frente de Liberación Animal, rompieron los vidrios de un restaurantes que vende gran cantidad de animales muertos y se albergaron en tal establecimiento, saboteando la cocina, todos los instrumentos de genocidio que había en el lugar quedaron inutilizados, pudiéndose ver que el FLA va mas allá de las protestas establecidas por los grupos ambientalistas mexicanos pasivos.
Guerra a los gobiernos especistas
FLA México