Butcher Shop Vandalized, Painted and Glued

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: March 27, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexican Butcher

Received anonymously

On March 16 a butcher shop received the complete treatment by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF):

– Paints across its facade: ‘Meat is Murder’, ‘meat stinks of pain and suffering’, ‘Animal Liberation’
– Lamps and floodlights broken
– Red paint on the walls, curtains and floor
– Locks glued
– Card in the building claiming the action

This is only the beginning

ALF Mexico

El pasado 16 de Marzo una carnicería recibió el tratamiento completo por parte del Frente de Liberación Animal (FLA):

– Pintas en toda su fachada: ‘Carne es Asesinato’, ‘La carne apesta a dolor y sufrimiento’, ‘Liberación Animal’
– Lámparas y focos reventados
– Pintura roja en sus paredes, cortinas y piso
– Candados sellados
– Carta en el inmueble reivindicando la acción

Esto apenas comienza

FLA Mexico