Duck Liberation

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: March 4, 2008
Institution targeted: Unknown Duck Prison

Received anonymously

Ask the duck!

It is already known that the Frente de Liberacion Animal (FLA/ALF) has as its objective (in addition to causing economic damages to animal abusers) the rescue and liberation of animals from the clutches of the speciesist murderer. Lamentably the tools that are used by the FLA are illegal by law and by the established order that considers animal liberation activists to be terrorists.

As the Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) we feel that if to save animals from being mistreated, tortured, persecuted, hunted, imprisoned and murdered is to be a terrorist, then that is what we are and we love it!

Throughout history all the progress of civilization has come from attacks against laws and each liberator has been listed as an illegal; this is why as a militant, clandestine group, we put our freedom at stake to avenge and give freedom to other living beings victimized by the ego-centrism and the degenerated feelings of the human animal influenced by capitalist, neo-liberal globalization.

The sun has already been hidden a thousand times, said the duck, while he watched the cars pass. He watched the people stop and with feelings of pity say: What a pretty imprisoned duck; the sad duck sleeps with no one for company, without knowing what it is to be truly free, waking every morning and looking at the sky, admiring his bird brothers and sisters flying from one side to the other. They stop in the trees and look for food; he listens to them singing happy songs; he dreams that some day freedom will arrive and pining to go from the cage where he is shut away, the body will mend itself from this monotony.

On the night of March 2, while he was sleeping, he heard noises. Some humans dressed in black, with ski masks covering their faces approached. They jumped a gate; the duck quacked saying Free me immediately I don’t want to be here! The humans wrapped him with a blanket, put him in a box and they carried him away.

The duck, watching through the holes in the box, did not know what was passing before his eyes, but surely it was something good, so he wasn’t nervous. Soon the cage was opened and he saw the great sun which he always watched, looking at the rest of his brothers and sisters flying, feeding himself on what they had around them. He saw water in a much greater quantity than the little that he saw before in his dirty plate of food. The environment had a distinct aroma, the air moved his feathers, his legs touched the moist earth and at last he felt free. He fluttered his wings with great force, vigor and happiness and now this duck, hoping to be rescued and released, that had been disappointed by the cowardice of those who shout ‘Animal Liberation’ and do nothing for them, is free at last. Is direct action useless? Ask the duck.


Original Spanish communique:
Como ya se sabe el Frente de Liberacion Animal (FLA/ALF) tiene como obejetivo (ademas de causar daños economicos a los abusadores de animales) el rescate y la liberacion de animales de las garras del especismo asesino, lamentablemente las herramientas que son usadas por el FLA son ilegales para la ley y el orden establecido, conciderandonos a nosotr=s l=s activistas por la liberacion animal como unos terroristas.

Como Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) concideramos que si salvar a animales de ser maltratad=s, torturad=s, perseguid=s, cazad=s, encerrad=s y asesinad=s, es ser terroristas, entonces lo somos y amamos serlo!

Podemos ver siempre en la Historia que todos los progresos de la civilizacion han sido un atentado contra las leyes y que cada libertador se le a catalogado como un ilegal; es por eso que como militantes clandestin=s conglomerad=s en el FLAM ponemos en juego nuestra libertad para vengar y dar la libertad a otr=s seres vivientes pres=s por la egolatria y los degenerados sentimientos del animal humano influidos por el capitalismo-neoliberal-globalizado.

El sol ya se oculto mil veces, decia el pato, mientras veia pasar los carros, veia a la gente deteniendose y con un sentimiento de lastima decir: -Que bonito pato preso; el pato triste se dormia sin ninguna compañia, sin saber como era la verdadera libertad, se despertaba siempre en las mañanas y miraba al cielo, admiraba a sus herman=s aves volando de un lado a otro, parandose en los arboles y buscando comida, las oia cantar felices; soñaba que algun dia la libertad llegaria y anelaba irse de la jaula en donde estaba recluido; la monotonia le recorria el cuerpo.

Una noche del 2 de Marzo mientras dormia, escucho ruidos, un=s human=s vestidos de negro, con pasamontañas cubriendoles las caras se le acercaron, saltaron la reja, el pato grasnaba diciendo Liberenme ya no quiero estar aqui!, l=s human=s lo envolvieron con una manta, lo metieron en una caja y se lo llevaron.

El pato entre los oyos de la caja miraba, sus ojos no sabian que pasaba, pero seguro era algo bueno, pues nervioso no estaba; de pronto la caja se abrio y vio el sol mas grande de lo que veia siempre, miraba a sus demas herman=s volar, alimentandose de lo que tenian a su alredeor, vio el agua en mucho mayor cantidad que solo la podia ver antes en su plato sucio de comida, el ambiente tenia un aroma distinto, el aire movia sus plumas, sus patas tocaron la tierra humeda y por fin se sintio libre, aleteo con gran fuerza, vigor y felicidad sus alas y ahora este pato que esperaba ser rescatado y liberado, que se habia decepcionado de la cobardia de aquell=s que gritan Liberacion Animal! y no hacen nada por ell=s, es libre al fin, ¿Que la accion directa no sirve? Preguntale al pato.