ALF, 12 Locks of several Pharmacies that sell Novartis products were glued

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: February 9, 2008
Institution targeted: HLS Customer Novartis

Received anonymously

Solidarity with the Spanish campaign against Novartis

Very early in the morning of February 9 activists from Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) acted in solidarity with the campaign in Spain against laboratory animal experiments at Novartis, who is a partner of the hated and repugnant HLS. 12 locks of several pharmacies that sell Novartis products were glued, thus demonstrating a little support to the animal liberation movement in that country. We wait for news soon of actions from the ALF in Spain.
The fight against HLS and their dirty partners will continue in all countries where there are animal liberation activists.
Until they sink!”

“Solidaridad con la campaña española contra Novartis

Muy temprano por la mañana del 9 de febrero activistas del Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) salimos a solidarizarnos con la campaña de acciones que se llebo a cabo en España el 8 y 9 de Febrero contra el laboratorio de experientacion animal Novartis y quien es un socio mas del odiado y repugnante HSL; esta vez 12 cerraduras de varias farmacias que venden productos de Novartis fueron celladas, demostrando asi un poco de apoyo al movimiento de Liberacion Animal de ese pais, esperamos que noticias de acciones de los FLA`s españoles se den a conocer pronto.
La lucha contra HSL y sus sucios socios se deve dar en todos los paises en donde existan activistas por la Liberacion Animal.
Hasta que se hundan!